Hey guys did a little search and it looks like the likely patch for this issue may get fixed in the update on the 8th. No guarantee but it seems likely
"Destiny Update 2.4.0 Coming Soon™ Destiny Update 2.4.0 will become available for download to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles on September 8th, 2016. Server Maintenance and Downtime will also occur on this date, from 8:00 AM through 4:00 PM PDT. Once maintenance has concluded, players may proceed to download Destiny Update 2.4.0. Along with this extended downtime, Bungie.net and Destiny Companion App functionality will be limited. The conclusion of maintenance will be announced through @BungieHelp, followed by the publication of Update 2.4.0 patch notes to the Game Updates page. In preparation for Destiny Update 2.4.0, please see the following: Please ensure that you have the proper amount of space available to accept Update 2.4.0."