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Edited by BallsOutForBT: 9/6/2016 11:24:49 AM

Your favorite legendary skin for each character?(overwatch)

My favorites would be [b][i][u]Attack[/u][/i][/b] Genji- Nomad Mccree- Riverboat Tracer- Slipstream Pharah- Thunderbird Reaper- Nevermore Soldier 76- Night ops 76 [b][i][u]Defense[/u][/i][/b] Bastion- Overgrown Mei- Firefighter Junkrat- Scarecrow Hanzo- Okami Torbjorn- Chopper Widowmaker- Huntress is the only one that doesnt make me want to rip my eyes out with a rusty fork [b][i][u]Tank[/u][/i][/b] Junebug Reinhardt- Balderich Roadhog- Mako Zarya- Arctic Winston- Frogston [b][i][u]Support[/u][/i][/b] Mercy- Valkyrie Lucio-I cant remember the name, but the gold frog one. Symmetra- No. Zenyatta- Sunyatta Ana- Merciful

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  • But a lot of the legendary skins are horrible :|

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  • Genji-Nomad McCree-Gambler Pharah-Raindancer Reaper-Nevermore Soldier: 76-Strike Commander Morrison Tracer-Track and Field Bastion-Gearbot Hanzo-Okami Junkrat-Hayseed Mei-Jeti Hunter Torbjorn-Deadlock Widowmaker-Huntress D.Va-Junebug Reinhardt-Balderich Roadhog-Sharkbait Winston-Frogston Zarya-Arctic Ana-Shrike Mercy-Valkyrie Lúcio-Hippityhop Symmetra-Architect Zenyatta-Ifrit [spoiler]¡Viva México![/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Soupreem: 9/9/2016 5:08:53 AM
    My favorites are: Tracer- Posh McCree- Regular Pharah- Anubis and the Native American ones Reaper- the purple version of Plague Docter Genji- Chrome Soldier: 76- Strike Commander Morrison Bastion- Omnic Crisis Hanzo- Okami minus the ultimate Junk rat- Jailbird Mei- Yeti Hunter Torbjörn- Blackbeard Widowmaker- Tricolere (Olympic Skin) D:Va- Carbon Fiber Reinheardt- the 2 new skins Roadhog- Islander Winston- Either of the explorer ones Zarya- the red weightlifter skin Ana- Garnet Lúcio- either hockey skin Mercy- The blue legendary skin Zenyatta- Ifrit Symmetra- Default

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    • [b][u]Offense[/u][/b] Genji - Nomad McCree - Riverboat Pharah - Raptorian Soldier 76 - Night Ops 76 Reaper - Mariachi Tracer - T.Racer [b][u]Defense[/u][/b] Bastion - Overgrown Junkrat - Jester Mei - Firefighter Torbjorn - Blackbeard Hanzo - Okami Widowmaker - Odette [b][u]Tank[/u][/b] D.Va - Junebug Roadhog - Mako Reinhardt - Griefhardt Winston - Explorer Zarya - NONE [b][u]Support[/u][/b] Ana - I like the epic ones bette Lucio - Ribbeat Mercy - Imp Symmetra - NONE Zenyatta- Ifrit

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      • My favourites are Ifrit Zenyatta Imp Mercy Blackhardt Reinhardt Slipstream Tracer Mariachi Reaper

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      • Zarya - Cybergoth Roadhog - Islander Dva - Junker Winston - Safari Reinhardt - Balderich [spoiler]i only play tanks[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Rin: 9/10/2016 1:38:12 AM
          Offense: Genji- Sparrow McCree- Mystery Man Tracer- Track and Field Reaper- El Blanco Pharah-Mechaqueen Soldier 76- Strike Commander Morrison Defense: Bastion-Overgrown Mei-Firefighter Junkrat- Jester Hanzo- Young Master Torbjörn- Barbarossa Tank: D.Va- Junebug Reinhardt- Greifhardt Roadhog- Islander Zarya- Champion Winston- Frogston Support: Ana- Captain Amari Lúcio- HippityHop or Striker Zenyatta- Djinnyatta Mercy- Valkyrie Symmetra- Vishkar or Goddess

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        • I like the new Reinhardt skin but I love the hanzo wolf skin.

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          • Nomad(Gengi) and Ifrit(Zenyatta) are my favorites, and I got Golden for both of em :D

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            • Bastion with defense matrix and gold weapons looks pretty good

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            • [quote]epic skins[/quote] First two were the only epic skins, the rest were legendary... [spoiler]Just pointing that out...[/spoiler]

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              • Nice picks ig..

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                • Shameless self bump #2

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                • Shameless self bump

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