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Edited by ferial56: 9/4/2016 10:50:51 PM
If I'm correct, not one game has ever actually let a player keep EVERYTHING to a sequel. Maybe keep a set of armour or weapons, but not everything. I think only mass effect has done that. But not in the way you would want. Mass effect has let you keep your character, and his decisions throughout the series. I don't think they get to keep their stuff though. Strangely enough, one of the writers of Mass effect is writing Destiny 2 story. Maybe that's what they'll do. Maybe the guardians of Y1-3 will be remembered and greeted differently, or even have a different opening cutscene. I think players will keep their guardians, definitely their Guardians. Maybe even the armour and weapons they were wearing and using by the end of the original. But light level, vault gear, extant holding gear, items/consumables, etc? I think our stuff will be gone and irrelevant. And our light level will likely be irrelevant I'm Destiny 2.

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