[quote]*Skip to 5:25 in video for topic…[/quote]In this video me and my dudes, PrinceThaGamer & UnclearPixels, do 'GamIN Talk 19’! We talk about games we would like to play right now! Please, enjoy (:[quote]1st Part | Battlefield 1 Vs Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare: Update!
Part 1 of GamIN Talk 19S[/quote]
COD Iw didn't even have its beta yet
Where's the "I won't vote because they are both different games with their own pros and cons" option?
Underhanded way of self-promoting your Youtube videos.
Neither fps games are becoming over saturated and boring.
I hated the BF1 beta, so. I'm not gonna buy either.
Ahemmm Titanfall 2
You mean cod vs halo now. Since Battlefield is heading back in time.
I played the Battlefield 1 beta last night. It was pretty fun, although I prefer Battlefield 4 and will probably stick to Battlefield 4. I obviously haven't had the chance to play Infinite Warfare, but it looks pretty cool.
Don't like huge maps in PvP so cod... Tho I've never bought a cod game and will not buy the new one...
Titanfall 2
Where is "none of them" option.
I was never feeling anything good for IW. The beta for BF1 was meh, tbh. Games tend to take too quick, esp. on Conquest, Map was intended for Snipers, and after every match the servers crash for me. I'm either neutral, or don't care for either.
I'm calling that they are going to release MW Remastered separate within 3 months... Activision can't stay away from the $$$
Why not both? They both play differently.
People are still going to buy Infinite Warfare.
I played the BF1 beta for all of five minutes and got bored. You feel so insignificant as a player in such a huge game. That and the gunplay feels super weird and awkward. That being said, I had a lot of fun with BF4, so I'm not sure why I feel this way about this release.
My opinion is still the same, Battlefield 1. Saw gameplay for IW and it looks identical to BO3 and I was not a fan of that. And no the remaster of MW1 isn't enough to bring me back to COD, ain't nobody's fool
Idk there hasn't been a cod beta yet
IW mainly for CoD 4 and the fact I really didn't enjoy the battlefield beta bored the absolute shit or of me. Personally Titanfall 2 would be my pick.
Neither for now By what they said about IW I was expecting something new on the multiplayer side not a BO3 remix, also personally I'd rather each dev do their own type of survival mode in this case extinction just with objective and waves modes BF1 feels like a trashy BF4/Hardline/Battlefront hybrid not to mention the all so familiar glitches that still aren't fixed
Pre orders for cod are almost 3 times bf1. Unfortunately/fortunately cod will be here forever.
Doesn't look like I'll be getting any right now
Battlefield 1 will flop
We all know that if COD does well, it'll be due to Modern Warfare.
I think this new cod looks real bad but after playing battlefield one beta I don't think cod in space can be worse