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9/4/2016 7:24:55 AM

PS4 Exclusives???

I can't believe this. I really can't believe how Bungie is screwing over their Xbox One users. It was already bad enough that there were PS4 Exclusives in The Taken King, and we had to wait a supposed year just to get them, but now, I have to wait two years instead of one? This is outrageous. I see all these cool armour and weapon sets that aren't re-skins over on the the other side of the community and I'm thinking, "Wow, too bad I have to wait a year before I can get that. I guess I can wait a year though." But on top of the original three armour sets and the 1 exotic weapon, they decide to add even more PS4 Exclusive armour just to spite us? Its so ridiculous that I'm left here with re-skins of weapons and armour that I already got a year ago. I don't want to make a huge fuss, especially on the internet where everyone is watching, but I do feel like you guys are neglecting us Xbox users. I'm not sure, and I won't assume this is directly or indirectly due to your bitter experience with Microsoft, but please share a little love with the competing console. Please Bungie, your adding new PS4 exclusives with Rise of Iron, which is already ludicrous as is, so at least give us the ones from The Taken King. While I will still buy the Rise of Iron, I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy it to its full capabilities due to the lack of content over on the Xbox side of things. If feels like you left us by the wayside while you go gallivanting around with your Sony buddies. I'm just asking that you reconsider and maybe give us Xbox users a better game. I feel left out when I see people that I like to watch play on maps and use weapons that I might never use now that I have to wait until Destiny's sequel. - Jox_TheVI Signing out

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