I couldn't agree more, new system, new game and nothing. They said they had an idea what the issue is, then fix it. This is ridiculous!
I am playing my ps3 characters while I wait. Why can't you?
i can play it but there is no point in playing it. Hardly anyone in crucible, and most of my friends are on the 4, hence the reason I purchased the new system,.
I'm PS3 I was going to upgrade (to ps4 this month) but it seems that they can't handle their shit, at least GTA handle transfer really well. This has put me off of buying a Next generation console anytime soon.
Im in the same boat, upgraded for destiny to aprieciate the ps4s aestetic so I am in no way being a smart ass to you I just wonder if that's China get messed up here as well...
My ps3 is broken, thats why.