The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it.
If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience.
If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into.
Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians.
I totally agree with you, gear and level nullification is one of the things that has been the bane of many an MMO player and is my opinion why most MMO's end up being hugely popular for a short time then starting to die off until a new generation of players spark interest again. Those dedicated players of MMO's get tired of building, restart, repeat. In truth, I came very close to giving up on Destiny; in my opinion the infusion concept was a stroke of genius. Some will argue that half the challenge is leveling up and my response to that is, "Delete one of your existing characters and start over again." As for me, I like my characters and don't want to go through the effort of building them back up again. For hardcore gamers, I understand building a character up is not that lengthy of a process, for the casual gamer it is. I have several friends that love Destiny, are year one day one players; but because their schedules only allow a little bit of play here and there they still have not reached the current light cap of 335.