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9/2/2016 5:43:18 PM

The one about the Garry...

Dear bungie, and the community I once loved the garrison... Pve or Pvp I never took it off.. Dodging oryx's minions of darkness.. Zipping away from a blade dancer.. The Garry pulled me in when I was slipping away.. Overwatch was calling, but the garrison dodged it.. I wasn't playing on my solar Titan class no.. I was playing on my Titan garrison class.. Hammer dodge repeat, as I would say.. Using Garry to catch up those whose would run away... Yeah I broke some ankles, but i was just using my favorite tools of the game. As we're all of u.. Not anymore though. Those days are done. Gone No more. You mean jerks ruined it for me... You selfish pricks... Gt :Bnastygthugbbq R.I.P Garry<3 :'(

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