Look I love Destiny but this garbage in the link I just posted is killing me. Bungie, Activision I really wish you all would fix this issue. I'm an adamant honest player who polished his skills but still manages to feel the effects of cheaters using mods, glitches, aim bots, and lag switches. Please do something and I'm not the only one who feels this way!
I feel your pain Shootem. I absolutely hate cheaters. But the reason cheating is so rampant is mainly because of how Bungie set the game up. If it were server based instead of peer to peer then lag switching would actually hurt the cheater. I'm sick of it too. Bung-lies problem is they are currently catering to cheaters while telling all of us they are doing stuff about it. Such as the Bung-lie where they said they were improving their algorithm so that lagging players would be less effective and take damage first (which is a total crock). That was when TTK was released. Bung-lie has had about 2 years to fix all the bugs and problems we are complaining about. But they tell us what we want to hear while instead of fixing things they march on to the next DLC. They are only concerned about the money they get which translates roughly to if they ban the literally thousands of cheaters then they lose that much player base and sell less volume. On and on I could go and I even have suggestions for Bung-lies staff that could actually improve the game. They've all been stated in previous posts I've issued to Bung-lie. They have had so many good ideas cross their desks by us players that would solve these issues we are all unfairly experiencing and yet they do NOTHING to fix. So doesn't that prove what I'm saying? Bung-lie cares more about the money and not so much about us players. You don't find other game companies doing that. When concerns hit other game companies desks stuff gets done about it. That's exactly where Bung-lie fails. We should all just sue them for the aggravation they cause us legitimate players by doing absolutely nothing about cheaters. I've considered driving the 3 and 1/2 hours over to Bung-lie to tell them in person. I'd likely be arrested though, that's how pissed about this cheating crap I am.