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9/1/2016 10:04:20 PM

New Clan for guardians who want to enjoy ROI

[b][u]Why a New Clan[/u][/b] I recently left a clan that had many fun individuals, but I was tired of clan rules that inhibited the fun and enjoyment you can obtain with the Destiny experience. That is why I decided to create my own clan [b]"Lords of the Lost Iron"[/b] with a theme for the new rise of iron. This clan will be open for players of all skills and even will be open for people that have a different clan tag, but due to clan inactivity want a new group to play with. Invite your friends too more the merrier. [b][u]Guardians Sought[/u][/b] This clan is open for XB1 guardians with a specific outlook and view on life. I am looking for Guardians who know how to have fun. Too many clans look for the "best players" and don't foster a fun environment in which to enjoy the game. I want to find guardians who will dance in the tower with me, laugh at raid wipes, and joke during PVP. I prefer members who like clean fun with minimal cursing and no raging. I would prefer Guardians who have graduated high school at minimum to filter out immaturity levels, but if you are mature for your age and respect others despite differences feel free to join. [b][u]Clan Goals[/u][/b] As I work fulltime my target Guardians are those who like to play Destiny in the evenings after all the days deeds are done. My hope is to get a group or a few raid groups for weekly raids on Friday and Saturday evenings as a clan. If enough people show interest I would love to do PVP nights as well. I would love to foster a group that will help one another conquer all aspects of Destiny's endgame. [b][u]Communication[/u][/b] Primary form of Communication will be using the GroupMe app as it is convenient and capable of creating events. [b][u]Timezone[/u][/b] I live in the west United States, I am not limiting clanmates to that time zone simply stating that most clan raids and events will be in the evenings. (Most activity probably 6-10 MST) If you are still reading and are interested feel free to join below. [url=][/url]

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