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9/1/2016 5:17:07 PM

Hey Bungie, don't even think about resetting and making us start new Guardians in Destiny 2

The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it. If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience. If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into. Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians. Thank-you

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  • Edited by DeusFever: 9/1/2016 11:13:26 PM
    There is an easy answer for Bungie. Destiny 2 cannot succeed with only the player base that exists now. We are less than 80% of the original player base and there aren't enough of us to make the original DLC plan worthwhile. Bungie wants to bring back the 80% of players who quit the game in frustration in the early months of Year 1. They also want to bring in new players. The game can't expand if we old Guardians are allowed to run around with all of our exotic weapons, Tier 12 gear, and stacks of Strange Coins. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. You'll start Destiny 2 with a hefty Grimorie score, some rare emblems, and a Guardian with a terrible haircut. All your old gear will be found in OG Destiny until Bungie turns off the severs. [spoiler]You may ask why Bungie is releasing Rise of Iron if the player base can't support DLC releases? Because losing all of the player base would hurt sales of Destiny 2 and cost more than the DLC. It's going to be a loooong year.[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Optimus96: 9/1/2016 10:43:00 PM
      I'm calling it now - "Destiny 2" is just going to be a [i]major[/i] expansion. There is a reason why Bungie is avoiding calling it Destiny 2. We are not going to get a new game, but an expansion the size of a new AAA title. It also doesn't make sense for us to build these Guardians up - "Become Legend" in Bungie's terms - and they delete all of our progress. If anything, like TTK, we will still have our old gear, but become useless and unusable in Destiny 2's endgame and both stats and our physical characters are going to stay.

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    • That would be well and good if Destiny 2 doesn't deviate from the original formula too much. That would, however, be a terrible idea if Destiny 2 does a decent amount of innovation (which it should). Let's say they completely overhaul the classes, change the leveling system to be less reliant on RNG, alter how your equipment works, and adds in new innate abilities for Guardians (maybe we can hijack vehicles or dual wield weapons). Allowing you to carry over your gear and abilities from Destiny 1 would break the game or require Bungie to devote a lot of their limited time and effort into ensuring that each and every piece of gear from Destiny 1 carries over without any problems. I'd rather start a new guardian in a Destiny 2 with a slew of new innovations and improved features than continue with my old one in a Destiny 2 that is little more than an expansion.

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      2 Replies
      • So, you are complaining to bungie about an article that is written as complete conjecture with nothing to back any of it up from an outside source? *slowclap.gif*

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        2 Replies
        • You could always stop playing it, they are just going to keep -blam!-ing you.

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          • Nailed it.

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          • Thanks for bringing this up, Lost. I've been thinking about it for a long time. Forbes or not.

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          • Omfg I was just reading that article lmao I was trying so hard to comment and call dude a jackass XD.

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          • I usually think the Forbes guys are spot on with most of their comments but not so sure about this one. Read the article today and was like...OMG no!!!!

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            2 Replies
            • First off, Forbes writers are nothing but jackasses. Second if Bungie does start over completely, I will not be buying D2. Bungie and Activision can SAFO if they do. This game is supposed to be a 10 year plan, not 2 or 3 then start over.

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            • bump btw, having not yet read the article, what is the suggested benefit of a reset?

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            • If that is what happens we'll then it is what it is like some one here said its just a video game

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            • D2 better have all new characters. Seriously you can grind again. From 1 - 365 it can take a week maybe two if you get all the right drops and ROJesus is good to you.

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            • Bump btw

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            • I'd prefer a fresh start. It's a new game. New weapons, new maps, new everything! Just make damn sure its better than now and without SBMM.

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            • It's a terrible idea. Keep it like WoW where we keep our same characters forever if we please. Add upon the world until someday it's a massive universe we get to spend our time in.

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            • I'm up for it But it probably will be new classes that you will need to Rank up

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            • I always look forward to a new DLC and i like my characters, I'll be getting destiny 2 but not if it's a fresh start. That would be stupid. Surely they wouldn't do this.

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            • I can't imagine Bungie would abandon their core philosophy in this regard.

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              3 Replies
              • Did you read the update? Erik Kain (the author, saw a post below saying you didn't know who it was ;) ) meant to say we get a loot wipe, not starting our characters from scratch again. Somewhat like what happened at the beginning of TTK. We keep character progression but not the loot. Whether this is a good idea or not is debatable, but I wanted to inform you of the update he made to his article on Forbes. :)

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                • If you can carry everything forward it essentially becomes another Destiny 1 dlc. Do you want 7-8 more years of dlc? I don't see a problem with that if that's what people want but I think a new game should be a new start. I can see carrying your characters forward with reset levels (but can I please change my dude's head after 3 years?). Maybe even keep the sub-class leveling in place. Or, as suggested, a no level situation but that would fundamentally change things. A new game and a new start allows new players to enter and be on a level playing field with previous players. But this is a year away. Why are we worried about it now? I think there were more good changes than bad with the last update. There are still some problems with the game that I wish would be fixed but I preordered RoI and will get Destiny 2 when it finally comes out.

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                  1 Reply
                  • I would be very disappointed if we start from scratch, but TBH Bungie doesn't know how to manage a MMO type game. Whenever they take a step forward they take another back. The April update was great, but just like with TTK and the exclusion of Etheric Light I fear that ROI will be cutback on the paths to max light. Time will tell, but given Bungie's past I expect to be disappointed again.

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                  • Oh man. Say it ain't so. Talk about the shit hitting the fan..

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                  • 1
                    I really doubt they'd make us start over 100% again. What might happen is us essentially importing our saves over in the sense that we'd have our Character data migrated, but we'd still have to lose something. My best guess is they'll do what most games do. Make us 'Start Over' meaning that we'll have our Levels + Light Level intact for 2.0 but we'll 'lose our power'. We'll probably be given Base Gear that keeps us at 400 light but isn't our current Eq's from 1.0. They'll make us get gear specifically from 2.0 only because the old gear from 1.0 won't have the same setup or configuration as 2.0, depending on what improvements or changes are made to the weapon and armor systems. Who knows if Light will even still be a thing? Also, in terms of progression, they might also 'reset' our sub-classes too, unless they literally re-use all of the sub-classes from 1.0. This would kind of limit them in terms of introducing new sub-classes, because we'd all be max in the first 3. At the end of the day though, this is just a guess. In a perfect world, they won't make us completely restart, but I can believe that they'd strip us of our Iron Lord power from RoI and make us a normal Guardian again. Which probably means that everyone will start at Level 40 with 400 Light but that will be the starting levels for 2.0. meaning we're all weak again.

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                  • They stated early on that your guardian will be with you throughout all of yoyr destiny experience

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                    7 Replies
                    • I say they let us import our guardians to destiny 2 but all the weapons and armour will be left behind. Which will upset a lot of people but sorry they need to get over it, too many people in community live in past and don't accept or give year two a chance.

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