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8/31/2016 6:22:51 PM
Agree with most here. I sucked when I started, bad, had to start realizing what all were doing, map knowledge is key. Also like some were saying. You be the group leader, and it should bring the light level and skill of opponents to an average. If your friends are all maxed and high k/d. Won't drop much, but will help. Find and follow at least 1 of your teammates, acknowledge what they are doing, and help by being the Guinea pig, or spray everyone and get assists to help your score. When a teammate pops a super, if yours is full also, wait til theirs is gone, avoid running over orbs they left, pop yours and give them their super back etc. I run around 1 k/d now little more on warlock. But after 8 months of playing( really only banner) I was still 0. So I sympathize. I watched my elite nephew, picked his brain on situations and counters, rest I picked up from my own mistakes, and the play of my teammates and the opposing team tactics. Good luck guardian. Get well

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