So, I've been reading a lot of post in balance and weapons and such and I was wondering; Can there be a possible Sandbox Mode in Custom Games?
You'd Have Private Matches > Maps/ Games modes, then it would show Sandbox Mode. What would happen is you can change the Weapons, Abilities, and Character Stats in your own Matches.
So it would be like this example:
Sandbox Mode > Weapons > Auto Rifles
Then you could change the stats and perks
of each individual Archetype weapon (except for Rate of Fire and ammo magazine for Diversity):
-Aim Assist
-Drop Off Damage? (not sure on this one)
For perks: You could change the Statistic version of them like How Much Aim Assist Hidden Hand gives.
Example: Hidden Hand gives 20+ Aim Assist instead of 15.
Lastly Abilities. How much damage they do mostly and others. I'll leave this up to devs for others.
-You could change damage of Supers and Maybe their Area Of Affect vertically, Horizontally or Full 360° in size and duration of after effects. (nova bomb, Fist of Havoc, etc). On Grenades, Damage and Area of Affect damage and Duration.
This would establish game modes that are fun as well as certain Playlist like MLG for Destiny to be Sponsored.
Make a Sandbox Mode in Custom Games where we can change the stats of our guns and abilities when Rise of Iron is released.
Or better yet, import the Sandbox the Developers use to "balance" stuff as an option into Custom Games.
Lmao, wait! You mean the sand box team make a sandbox mode to use. Are you kidding? They can't even get their own shit together. Seriously though, it's a great idea and weapons could be balanced as they should be. But this will never happen and besides that. The gamers on here would put Bungie's team to shame.
Love it.
I really hope they would begin focusing on forge mode for pve now that private matches are happening , no offense cong. Pvp guys but the majority of destiny players are pve oriented.
We need forge!!
"Mlg for destiny to be sponsored" just no man please
I love this idea. Really creative. I think it would be fun too if instead of just your current weapons, you could choose from any weapon in the game. You wouldn't own it; you couldn't take the weapon with you when you leave. But you could test it out while in your private match.
I had an idea similar to this where you could basically create PvE activities, sorta like Forge. Bump
Custom games will be coming in Rise of Iron don't worry MoreConnsole showd us when he was in games con
I believe private matches is the first step they're implementing. They will eventually add in new features and such once they see how this works out. Someday we will have custom games rather than just private matches.
i was just thinking about this the other day, like i suddenly got really curious what would happen if you made an weapon with every stat maxed out, like how much damage would it do, could it one shot someone, how stable would it be, so many questions that without a sandbox will never be answered
Creative, interesting. I don't think altering existing weapons would serve any point. Then they would not be that weapon anymore. Maybe having weapon x1-x10 Just different weapon types with adjustable archetypes. Pick & choose functionality & perks. Maybe I'm not understanding... To me, it sounds like private matches should have been custom games instead.
I doubt very serious if this is even remotely feasible. Sure it would be cool if possible, but the amount of work that would be required by bungie for this might take up the next expansion. I think it would be more realistic to start with more/less health, or no shields ect. Be able to limit the matches to certain weapon types, or ban abilities ect.
This is so good
Edited by Tokin_Tank_420: 8/28/2016 3:58:57 PMNothing is ever good enough for you ppl, still like the idea
Why not just have custom games???