[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGnVeaBbPmE]As I was making this video about the tides, and how "gravitation" is not what causes tidal effects[/url], I realized something. [b]The Traveler is massive and yet it produces no gravity as far as we know.[/b] Something that large hovering above the round earth should create some kind of gravitational pull if you accept mainstream round earth physics. But to all appearances, the Traveler does not have any noticeable effect on gravity. Kind of curious huh? It makes me wonder if Bungie is at least open minded when it comes to the Flat/round earth controversy.
You should grab a go pro and and find the edge. Why don't you do that? All the evidence the world needs is a picture of the edge of the earth. You talk the talk, now go walk the walk. You can blog about it even! I want to see the edge. Think of the glory! Tell the world, let us see it for ouselves. You can vindicate your beliefs, shake the pillars of science and comon knowledge! Be careful though, bring a parachute, and of course a towel. Thanks to the wonder of satellites that may or may not be in geosynchronous orbit you can broadcast your adventure to the world! Frankly your faith based pseudoscience makes my stomach turn, but if you can provide actual proof and not just poor interpretations of fact I'll be converted.