If I boot up Destiny, as soon as I get to orbit, my entire internet connection goes down. EVERY single time. Waiting for party stabilization, then vulture or weasel. Kills twitch, youtube, etc.
As long as I don't start Destiny, everything is fine. The instant I do, everything dies, like it's flooding my network connection. I've cleared the cache and did not help.
I have 20 years of IT experience. I've rebooted my router, reset cable modem, my xbox one is always hardwired. Networking checks gives me a speed of 52 down/16 up, 4 jitter, 0 packet loss.
I've been fine for 2 hours...until the moment my character hits orbit and the "Waiting for party stabilization" starts. Then everything goes to hell. This started last night about 11pm CDT
I started getting weasels after i downloaded the new update this morning