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Edited by Darches: 8/25/2016 4:40:32 PM

I used Finnala's Peril!

I'm a skilled player. Recently, I got a sweet hand cannon with rifled barrel from Lord Salad, so I fully upgraded it and prepared for my reign of terror in Iron Banner. I was able to [b]consistently [/b]land the 1st headshot, then miss 3 bodyshots in a row while being mowed down by auto/pulse rifles. There were no exceptions. Surprisingly all my opponents all had unflinching too! I tried a new strategy. I fired slower and my shots now registered!... But I just died more, never able to land the final bodyshot in time. I have come to the conclusion that the purpose of hand cannons is to kill the user. Bungie sure has a weird design philosophy! UPDATE: Yo Bungie! If you could at least [u]add a bloom reticle[/u] like on Halo: Reach's DMR, [i]that'd be great.[/i] UPDATE: I made a rant about weapon stats, but I moved it [url=]here.[/url] The main lessons for this thread are that Hidden Hand [i]probably [/i]increases bullet pull, and Rangefinder is [i]definitely [/i]desirable on HC's... The Water Star can roll with both!

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  • You need eysaluna...

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  • Edited by pacificdune: 8/23/2016 7:21:59 PM
    I bought the vendor roll and went 0.13... Very next game I switched to grasp and went 2.0against the same players... Now, more practice is needed, but certainly not these start I was expecting for a god roll hand canon. It felt like I was bringing a wrench to a boxing match. I had thousands of hawkmoon kills in Y1. Bungie really needs to re-think their approach to making these guns effective for their intended purpose.

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    2 Replies
    • I have one with Reinforced Barrel, Rangefinder, and Icarus. It. Eats. People. Left and right I can gun them down with it. I was severely disappointed at the Icarus roll, but after using it on a hand cannon (the only viable option for it) it works wonders.

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    • Yep, this ^. I have around 140,000 hand cannon kills and still use them primarily on all characters and agree with OP 100%. To fire quick enough to win battles, your shot will be off due to bloom or recoil, but when you slow down or pace you shot/steady it waiting for reticle to reset, it's too late. You'll lose 9/10 battles with a decent player. It was so noticeable in IB this week. Lol, it's noticeable all the time actually. I don't understand it either. Hand cannon's need a fix. No doubt.

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      12 Replies
      • Haha. Bungie and the NerfTrain riders have made them completely ineffective, even in the damn range they're supposed to be good. Unfortunately Bungie's idea of "weapon balance" is everyone in crucible using Scout(Mida)/Sniper,Pulse/Sniper, DoP style AR/Sniper. You can win in the short to medium range with a HC if you catch them from behind and pop them twice before they turn around or you're in inferno and they don't see you till it's too late. I use to love HC. LHF and Red Hand carried me through Vanilla, TDB and HoW but the nerfs they handed down to this class of weapon is just pathetic. TLW is actually the only HC I've seen do any good and by that I mean I've been killed by it a lot the last few days. Bungie needs to do a lot of things to make this game balanced. What they really should do is undo every damn nerf they've done except on thorn and TLW(screw them and the ppl who use em) and start everything back to Vanilla standards step away from their desks and let it ride for a few weeks and see what actually needs to be tweaked by the numbers not the whiny chumps who cry nerf every time they're killed.

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        6 Replies
        • This made me laugh. Bloom is kind of a broke mechanic. Problem is I think they keep it in to keep the exotic hand cannons in check. I just don't understand why they feel they can't balance them separately. TLW would be absolutely broken without bloom.

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          2 Replies
          • [quote]I have come to the conclusion that the purpose of hand cannons is to kill the user. Bungie sure has a weird design philosophy![/quote]

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          • Someone doesn't approve of "bloom". I think it's fine.

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            • Dude, come on! You know Bungie wants EVERYONE to snipe.

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              • Finnala's Peril is honestly one of the best hand cannons in the game

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                • The purpose of every hc but TLW is to wound not kill. But they are working on a fix for that pesky Last Word. It keeps right on killing. It might take a full mag to kill one rushing shotgunner. But it still works. But if you say one thing about the mida and its AA to bungie. You get muted.

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                  • Edited by Fur Hammerlock: 8/23/2016 10:23:33 PM
                    Stop with these threads already! Not a single one of you has shown video proof of shots missing. The entire time I've been playing Trials (at high ELOs) and IB and regular Crucible, I am being [b]consistently shot with Hand Cannons, 3-headshot killed and more![/b] Literally, players I am coming up against using; Hawkmoon Finala's Peril Lord High Fixer Eyasluna Last Word They're not missing shots... [B]EVER![/B] Even the people I play with don't miss shots with Hand Cannons, and I don't miss when I use them. If I do miss, it's because of my own inaccuracy. If you use High Impact Hand Cannons (Hawk, Finalas, LHF, Eyas), their rate of fire is slow enough to where they are [b]not affected the the 'Bloom' effect[/b]. Only the fastest RoF HC's are affected (Last Word and a couple others). Just... stop. Stop with all these posts, they're false, and if you or anyone else is really missing as often as they say they are, then you're clearly not placing your shots correctly. There is no other reason you should be missing that often, other than you being incapable of following a target while they're strafing, or you're incapable of compensating for recoil. [I]Pro Tip: Stop going for Body Shots. That's why you're losing, you're so uncomfortable with your own accuracy that you try to go for Body Shots instead of Head Shots consistently, which causes you to [b]think[/b] that you're missing due to Bloom, when you're really only missing because... well, you suck.[/i]

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                    12 Replies
                    • buff handcannons

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                    • Idk, I thought the vendor finally peril would be nice because I was boss with a trash rolled one........ Not. Recoil pattern was off, accuracy was not there. Hit one shot and then die. Stealth nerf? Or lies?

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                    • It's also ugly. Looks like a Fallout Pipe Pistol.

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                    • Edited by Chastice: 8/24/2016 6:58:44 PM
                      Ya know, all the people who were bitching up a salt storm in year one about hand cannons are probably the ones who are okay with the bloom. You know what I've learned from playing and reading all these wonderfully written and literate posts on the forums is? *Snipers are a crutch *Autos are a crutch *Pulse rifles are a crutch *Shotguns are a crutch *Sidearms are a crutch *Universal Remote is for bad kids *scouts are fine, but nerf the MIDA!!!! *Every weapon, ability, class, subclass, dance emote is OP. Bungie plz nerf! Watch it kiddos. Just like they took shot package away, they may take your hidden-hand and short gaze away on that Longbow you finally "earned." Just the thought makes me feel all a tingle!! [spoiler]Yes, my crucible ability isn't great. Yes, I have a Longbow with hidden-hand. I got the damn thing in my second crucible package after the update. My first thought: "Why the hell would I want this thing?"[/spoiler]

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                      2 Replies
                      • I got one that was damn near a god roll. Steadyhand IS, rangefinder, rifled barrel, and grenadier (this perk is Meh). I have to say, this is a beast weapon. Even without hidden hand, the bullets seem drawn to the head. I can't agree with you on this.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I used to suck so bad at hand cannons with now I'm really starting to get good with them, landing 2 headshots like all the time for my first 2 shots, I just needed time to get used to them

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                        • Edited by Ankokuseibutsu: 8/24/2016 10:37:46 AM
                          Basically thanks to the spammy ability for last word users to just hold the button and get the fastest killing time in the game within a certain range Bungie introduced phantom bullets on all hand cannons. Basically if you don't fire all hand cannons at first curse fire rate you will experience phantoms. They didn't need to add them to other archetypes, just last word. I just use first curse because it's fire rate doesn't allow for phantom bullets and it will hit like a truck. Try it out. It's worth it. Primed targets with smoke or other teamshots drop like flies.

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                        • It's not you or the gun. It's P2P gameplay, where one player kills you with 2 shots and you have to shoot him with 8 shots and he doesn't even die. The truth: On your screen you shoot him 5-6x and he takes almost no damage. The reason is that he was not standing there, where you saw him on your screen, but somewhere else. But on his screen he shoots you 3-4x and he gets a kill..........with exactly the same weapon. In the mean while on your screen it felt like he shot you 1-2x and you died...... But that's not true......On his screen he was already shooting at you, on your screen you didn't even see him yet. That's because his console already received your data, but your console didn't receive his data yet.........or broken data because of packet loss. This is called LATENCY LAG, caused by P2P, bad hosts, packet/ data loss.............

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                        • i am still think eyasluna is better than finannal's.

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                        • That gun is amazing. Blame yourself not the weapon... guns don't kill people, and neither do you apparently.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Bloom should be removed, or greatly reduced to the point where it isn't noticeable in close range gunfights. That being said, I also used a finnala's peril this IB with rifled barrel (I actually got two or three with rifled barrel. I'm very pleased), and my experience was pretty good. One of the better handcannons I've ever used.

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                          • Hidden Hand is almost a NECESSITY. All of the HCs I have had success with have had Hidden Hand, and some kind of Range or Stability perk.

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                          • Yup. Add in lag and...... Jesus Christ.

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                          • Bravo

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