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Edited by Loco_Motion: 8/21/2016 8:21:14 PM

Looking for raid group/pve buddies

I seldom play pve, but recently I got to two man Crota's End with someone who never played it before, after completing the raid I knew I was missing out on a lot of fun. Now I don't wanna miss out anymore and would love to assemble a fireteam with which I would be completing pve challenges and also story line of the new dlc. [u]Requirements:[/u] Looking for guardians who're patient[just don't quit the raid after first try], not douche bags & active Destiny players. That's really all your time zone[spoiler][mine is GMT+2][/spoiler] doesn't really matter. [b]If your interested leave a comment.[/b] [u]A little about me:[/u] [spoiler]level 16 in real life, destiny player since yr1[/spoiler] PS: If your looking for a group/clan to join [url=]M0UNTAIN T0P[/url] welcomes you

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