[spoiler]Astrids overly aggressive fighting style is perfect for cutting down a corridor of 40 armed guards because thats what lego taught her. He wanted his daughter to be his personal hand, an assain. But against anri slow-paced defensive style threw her off making it easy to put in a superior number of hits which won the battle. That and darksouls mechanics are some of the most powerful tools I've encountered. A roll with breif invulnerability and can dodge pretty much anything, thats pretty dope. Its actually balanced seeming that darksouls characters are toast if they leave themselves open for attack.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]An's play-style is exactly that. She'll try to play defensive and punish whenever she can, though Luck can only do so much. The steps to beating her? Get rid of the shield, whether that be through disarming her of it, cutting her arm off, or slamming into it so much that it eventually becomes useless. After that, Anri is much more reckless, left without defense. It would be great to just shoot her up then, as her armor isn't too great around her stomach and chest... [/spoiler]
[spoiler]well I'm gonna drop weaknesses for lego despite him not being in use and won't be anymore. His armour is kept together by straps which Inturn are protected by plates. Removing the plates and severing the straps causes the mighty cosmic iron plates to drop off like his suit developed leprosy. You can put stress on the staps by using blunt weapons, axes are ideal as they're force can bend cosmic iron which makes it easy to pry off. Swords can penetrate his armour but seeming the atomic bonds are made from the cosmos that sword must be pretty strong. Or you can pump him With so much energy from the hits he explodes in an electrical surge weakening him. Its designed to be a tactical fight [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Glad you understand. Now, back to fighting?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Sure. Hold on.[/spoiler]