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Edited by NightBloomsFell: 8/15/2016 11:25:21 PM
[u]Serenity's Wrath[/u] [i] Serenity wakes up like she always does its not to early but she needs to make their breakfast before they wake. Serenity looks over at them all three of them are fast sleep on the bed next her. She wonders for second where her other daughter is bit she thinks that her daughter is with her father cause he gets up before she does. But after cooking breakfast for them. She knows they should been back by now cause the other are now up. She starts getting this really bad feeling as she serve them their food. As she lets them eat she goes to her father's room. She opens the door and looks into the room to her horror the room has been completely trashed in what looks like a apparent struggle cause several things in his room have been smashed and broken. That bad feeling she has is starting to turn into grim dread. She trying to remain calm but its not working cause serenity has no idea where they are at all. She looks in his for clues for his disappearance but there is none. She does her best to remain calm when jura approaches when he finished eating she shuts the door but he sees the trashed room.[/i] "Mama where's grampma and syrilth at?" Jura asks "I don't know where they but im gonna look for them okay"she says [i]she has a very worried look on her face. Just as she get ready to says something talath shows up looking at her with interest. He sees by look on her face that something bad happened and he sees that jura has a worried look on his face. [/i] "Whats a matter tell me what happened " says talath walking up to her. "Their gone both of them without a trace but something happened to my father and syrilth"she says . [i] he can tell by the look on her face that she really upset and on the verge of tears.[/i] "Whoa now dont worry we'll find them. How about i watch these guys so you can look for them" he says. [i]she just nods and sets off to look for them. She looks everywhere for them in all of their usual spots but she coming up empty after several hours of searching her dread turns into full blooded panic as walks around shouting their names. With every passing hour she searches for them not stopping for anything. Then she decides to look for them from the air so she transforms flying upwards hoping that she'll spot them but to no avail. She makes one last ditch effort in the form of calling for her in this form she calls for to the point that she almost loses her voice after that fails she turns back into her normal and goes back over the whole area one more time. At this point she becomes a emotional wreck. She starts to cry worried cause she can't find them. but little does she know that the cruel bastards that took them are traveling far away as she spends time looking for them. Elsewhere where her daughter wakes up next to her grandpa chained up by her hands and feet. There's a dull ache in the back of her head she turns and looks at her grandpa but he out cold chained up like she is but he has a gag in his mouth. She doesn't know where she is cause she in the back of some covered wagon that just suddenly hits a bump that makes her fall forward. Its not long before she feels the wagon jerk suddenly to a stop. She hears someone get off the front and walk around to the back. The flap open revealing two burly smelly looking men one them hops up into the back and grabs her grandpa and drags him out then the other makes a grab for her. She inches away from him but he jumps up into the back and drags her out but she fusses the second he grabs her. "No don't let me go"syrilth says frightened. The man just chuckles and speaks to his partner in a different language she doesn't recognize. His partner chuckles as well but he just drags her over to where her grandpa is chained up to a chain sitting in the mud. She tied to a opposite tree thats close by she starts to cry and the man shouts at her. She wonders if she'll see her mother again. When she looks up to the sky she sees its very late and wonders how far they traveled from where they were.[/i] [i] serenity has spent almost a whole day looking for them. She sits down on a bench and just cries cause she can't find them anywhere and she doesn't know what to do. She gets up and still continues to search in to the wee hours of the night still calling syrilth's name[/i] [b]you notices that something is very wrong with serenity[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • "Why cant i see"says syrilth [i]she jumps a little when she hears screaming. little does she know that her mother pretty much tears them apart. But syrilth smells blood alarming further[/i] "Mama what's going on i smell blood"says syrilth

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  • "It will be fine, kid. You're mom's taking care of some business."

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  • "Okay"says serenity

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  • [spoiler]How do you want to do this.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]hmm i wrestling with a couple ideas[/spoiler]

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  • *Cyan and Crossbow run up to her* Cyan: What's going on? Are you okay?

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  • "I can't find syrilth or hovark anywhere their missing"says serenity "Hovark's room was completely trashed in some kind of struggle"says serenity [i]you can her the panic in her voice and the worry in her eyes[/i] "I have looked everywhere for them"says serenity

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  • Cyan: Oh, no, this isn't good. You have anything that could have her DNA on it? Before he passed Mortar told me about some sort of bio trace, couldn't really understand everything he said.

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  • "Her brush might have some of her hair into"says serenity [i]you can tell serenity been looking for hours cause her voice sounds very hoarse from shouting their name. [/i] "Talath is watching the others so i can look for them"says serenity

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  • Cyan: Okay. Can you get her brush so I can extract the DNA?

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  • "Yeah..i'll be right back"says serenity [i]serenity heads back to the cave to her room to get syrilth's hair brush. Talath is sitting there with the other that are fast asleep. He looks at her and he can tell she hasn't found them yet.[/i]

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  • *Cyan and Crossbow walks up as well, wanting to help their friend*

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  • [i]she walks past hovark room and decides to look in their one more time to see if their was something she missed but she starts breaking down crying at the entrance of his room.[/i] [i]elsewhere syrilth sits in the mud close where her grandpa is she looks at him and he still hasn't woken up yet. He must be under the influence of some powerful sedative. She can hear them talking in some a different language as they come up to him and unhook him. They drag him back into the wagon then the other one comes over to where she is and grabs her by the wrist then pulls out a syringe that full of something. She struggles and screams out frightened. She ends up kicking him in the shin and the other comes out the back of wagon then walks over to they are. She continues to put up one hell of a fight as the other tries to hold her down long enough give the shot. She ends up biting one of them but she can't remember who cause she loses consciousness[/i]

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  • *Cyan runs over to Serenity, trying to comfort her* It's okay Serenity. We will find them. They'll have to kill us before we stop finding them.

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  • "If they harm one hair on the their heads they will see why is not wise to mess with a dragon"says serenity "I couldn't find anything in here with i first looked but maybe you can and here her hair brush"says serenity [i]she hands you a pink hair brush[/i]

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  • *She takes a few strands of hair from it and places it in a Ziploc bag* Cyan: Wait. I remember. At our house, there's a Dragon scale that Hovark gave to Mortar! We can shave off a piece just in case the hair doesn't work and we can use that to track them!

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  • "Okay and leyla is out looking for them too"says serenity

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  • Cyan: That's good. Should I call Wit to look after the kids? *Crossbow, while they were talking, went to Mortar's room via void portal and returns with a centrifuge and a scale*

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  • "You might want to talath has been with them all day without a break while i have been looking for them."says Serenity

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  • *Cyan nods as she pulls out her phone* Yeah, Wit, I need you to babysit. ... I don't care that you're almost done your chapter, you're good with kids and you need to help out. ... Serenity's kids. ... We have to go find Hovark and Syrilth. ... Yeah, okay. Bye. *She hangs up* He should come any minute now.

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  • "Okay and they all asleep right now thanks talath"says serenity "But anyway what's the plan?"says serenity

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  • Crossbow: We take the DNA from this hair and this scale and we can use the DNA to "Bio trace" it

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  • "Okay do your thing then "says serenity

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  • *Cyan nods and runs back home with the scale and brush. She comes back with her PST in one hand, and a small pea sized glowing ball in a Ziploc bag* Alright, this ball has the DNA of Hovark in it. The hairbrush had some other hairs in it so it was hard to get an exact result from it

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  • "Venia probably used her brush. alright now whats next" says serenity

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