Yo guys, I'm running an event this weekend, I want to get as many Virgins as I can to the Lighthouse,
only rule is you have to join up here: https://www.facebook.com/events/660746390743515/
Ok guys!!!
Who's up for an early run? I can't make next weekend so I've been given permission to run this weekend.
Me and Nik Cegi will be running a warm up card then it's on to helping you chaps.
- Drop your PSN below if you want help!
- Due to the number of people likely to ask it will be one run each (if we lose on first game then we will refresh once)
- I will go by who comments first and move down that way, if you aren't ready when I psn/fb message you we will have to skip on to the next person
- I'm not expecting you to be a god, just do your best to be a solid team member, Get those revives, team shot, whatever just contribute and don't stress!
- If we run out of names we will cycle back through.
It is NOT required but we would appreciate any follows or watchings throughout a very tough night!
The name is Keliah❤️💋 IM A 335 Titan If you need help with trials I do that shit for free!!😊 Only for Xbox one Make sure you add me Yay Fruity And follow my channel yesfruity😘 I hope that I will see a lot of you And have a nice day at the lighthouse☀️☀️🔥🔥