More and more plebs are t-baggin for literally nothing more than shooting you. More and more these same players are LOSING while they're doing it. It makes no sense.
For reference I don't t-bag unless i get bagged first undeservingly. From that point on it's open season as i'll dance upon your bones under the light of a mercurial dawn.
So for anyone confused as to how this works, here is a list of when you can bag your dead foe
(WARNING - t-bagging is wrong and this list should serve for informational purposes only. Don't T-bag at home...)
1. When you are WINNING
2. When you conquer a foe in some fantastic form despite their best efforts to evade you or shoot back.
EDIT - Heads up for those of you that believe I've posted this out of some QQ rage or other, I have not. this is shear satire and i'm genuinely reading the views of when others believe a proper Bag - O - Tea should be left for the dead lol
EDIT - 3. When you've just killed a blink shotgunner using Universal Remote (they do seem to run amuck in crucible these days lol)(also i'm just F&*&ing kidding)
Well first of all, you're pretty much trash in pvp so you definitely deserve some nice bagging. Secondly, cry me a river.
I have teabaged a player exactly one time and that was last night. We were in the warsat strike and this guy was standing up on the hill just sniping not even trying to defend the warsat. The noob that was with us didn't know any better and stood up there with him until the warsat exploded. When it was finally destroyed both the Noob and I fell off the cliff and he ran right past us without resurrecting. So naturally when he and the Noob both died I resurrected the guy that was actually playing the strike with me and tea bag The Jerk that was being unhelpful.
There is never a good time to tbag or bad time. Tbag all the time.
This post is proof that it works
Rhabby_V is that you? Jk lol
Hahahaha emotes are the -blam!-ing best!!! Makes killing things so much more fun.
Oh no tbagging :(((( Bungie pls taking crouching out of the game it hurt my feelings all these bad men crouching too fast for me and all I can do is complain about their k/d :(((
Edited by iowtonyb77: 8/16/2016 1:55:19 PMBut I have a pyramid shaped nutsack.. it just feels natural 😄
Get one into a party and nine out of ten it's a child wanting your attention.
Why does it bother you?
Yeah, teabagging is childish, but getting mad about someone pressing a button in a online game isn't any better. Just accept it and move on.
I would add, if you kill a No Land Beyond user, you may not tbag no matter how epic the kill was. Show respect for a real man wielding a real gun.
No [spoiler]Dip dip potato chip.[/spoiler]
You have rules for tea bagging? Definitely doing it wrong. Geeeeeeet over it.
I was getting passage coins once and it was this kids last game to the lighthouse on the other team. I always, ALWAYS be fair and never ever t-bag unless I am. It was 3-0 when he t-bagged my team. I made sure it was 3-5 after that ;) I never ever lose to t-baggers
Crouch everywhere - bag Use nothing but a shotgun - bag bag Uni remote-triple bag Jugg or shoulder charge - quad bag Invis/flux/shotty-i bag you until there's a crater
How else am I supposed to keep my balls clean? You ever seen a shower in Destiny?
I know the feeling. Last night I played skirmish (which is rare for me) and my whole team died right at the start and of course we were all bagged. We turned it around super quickly and won the match. I think they thought it was gonna be an easy round for them lol.
This is why I will bag whenever I feel like it.
I always t bag even when I'm losing
This post deserves a t-bag (t-bags screen).
Well recently in crucible I wanted to see how "try hard" everyone is Except for me latest match, I just wanted to see how I'd do But anywho I ran around with a khvostav and the fusion from Fwc and a sword hilt. And stayed in one spot to try and get people to dance with me. You know how many people did out of 3 or 4 matches? No one, not one single person. And I made it very apparent that I'm friendly. But nope, everyone decides that their precious "KD" must be good. So they all think they are going ham and annihilating me, even tho... I'm kinda waving and dancing with em... And once someone kills me the most, and I know who this person is( one was a shoulder charging shotgunner, other was a warlock with shotgun melee, then the last guy was a shotgunning blinking Hunter), I'd decide to kill EM once or twice. Funny part is I always manage to kill EM the first 2 times so I felt satisfied and went back to dancing... Guess crucible is no place for mercy huh? XD
Getting bagged for using Thorn in year 2. Why?