More and more plebs are t-baggin for literally nothing more than shooting you. More and more these same players are LOSING while they're doing it. It makes no sense.
For reference I don't t-bag unless i get bagged first undeservingly. From that point on it's open season as i'll dance upon your bones under the light of a mercurial dawn.
So for anyone confused as to how this works, here is a list of when you can bag your dead foe
(WARNING - t-bagging is wrong and this list should serve for informational purposes only. Don't T-bag at home...)
1. When you are WINNING
2. When you conquer a foe in some fantastic form despite their best efforts to evade you or shoot back.
EDIT - Heads up for those of you that believe I've posted this out of some QQ rage or other, I have not. this is shear satire and i'm genuinely reading the views of when others believe a proper Bag - O - Tea should be left for the dead lol
EDIT - 3. When you've just killed a blink shotgunner using Universal Remote (they do seem to run amuck in crucible these days lol)(also i'm just F&*&ing kidding)
How about just stop tea bagging? That is unless you want to look like a total tool.
Edited by jumali98: 8/15/2016 10:52:58 PMI may be a Pleb. And I may tbag. But if you get offended by pixels moving up and down, I achieved my goal. [spoiler]I don't play Crucible anymore so who gives a shit? Destiny PvP is a joke.[/spoiler]
oooooooo[spoiler]someones TRIGGGGGERED [/spoiler]
If there's one person on the enemy team who can consistently fight against me, I bag him to see if I can get him to tilt and lose gunfights to me when he runs into me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and they t-bag back which gives me a laugh. It's all good fun and mind games.
Based off the fact you made a post about this, it sounds like they're doing it correctly.
I didn't know you bought my game, and could tell me how to play it as well. Sorry that doesn't work around here.
If you're a shotgun warrior I'll t-bag you with pleasure
like this?
I mean, you can teabag whenever you want really... there's no rule to it...
Whenever it makes me laugh it's appropriate. And it always makes me laugh.
How 'bout no
Even if this is satire, I will teabag whenever I am losing or get a simple revenge kill on someone who previously killed me because I know it pisses them off :)
I say play your game, be you.
I just do it with friends and we are just messing around in overwatch or whatever we play, but only in destiny when someone else t-bags me. Maybe I do a little dance as well.
I t bag in retaliation to teabaggers then when i return the favor the other team sends hate messages. Moral of story just tbag the bejeezus out of everyone stupid enough to die. and keep doing it until their ghost disappears.. that REALLY pisses em off
I'd agree. However, in the name of science, I T-bagged everyone after every kill in trials to provoke a response. It's kinda interesting, actually.
Had a guy bag me earlier. He was last on his team and I was his first kill. I already had 10 kills by this point...
I'll do it whenever. It just makes it funnier that it gets so far inside people's heads they have to come cry and throw up a wall of text on forums over it. :D
The only time it really bothers me is when it's a Titan with no backup plans and universal remote. Most others I just don't care enough about.
I tea bag when I see a sniper scope as it makes me harder to hit and it makes them angry
Edited by T_Pingvi: 8/15/2016 9:48:23 PMI only bag if I'm really, REALLY salty. Whether I'm winning or losing doesn't factor in at all.
Yup someones just abit salty here
I don't bag unless bagged first. if I'm pub stomping I don't bag unless a douche does it first. I get it, it's all fun and games but just a philosophy. Now this goes out the window with friends. Especially if we are on the same team. If they die, they know the baggin is coming. If I have to Rez you your suffering first if there's time lol.
3 reasons I bag: 1.) If I outplay some guy that clearly had the advantage in a gunfight they get the bag. 2.)Also if they fail their super and I kill them they either get a bag or a wave. 3.) And if they slide shotgun and I melt them with a fushion rifle before they get in range I walk up to their orb and move my characters gun from side to side so it looks like my character is saying "NO". And they get a single bag. If people bag me I just laugh. It's just a game.
Salty boii alert
Tea bagging is tea bagging. It's like when in the MMA, you trash talk the opponent, sure it's poor sportsmanship, but if you do it, people can be hasty to try and hurt you. I don't do it, but I get it.