More and more plebs are t-baggin for literally nothing more than shooting you. More and more these same players are LOSING while they're doing it. It makes no sense.
For reference I don't t-bag unless i get bagged first undeservingly. From that point on it's open season as i'll dance upon your bones under the light of a mercurial dawn.
So for anyone confused as to how this works, here is a list of when you can bag your dead foe
(WARNING - t-bagging is wrong and this list should serve for informational purposes only. Don't T-bag at home...)
1. When you are WINNING
2. When you conquer a foe in some fantastic form despite their best efforts to evade you or shoot back.
EDIT - Heads up for those of you that believe I've posted this out of some QQ rage or other, I have not. this is shear satire and i'm genuinely reading the views of when others believe a proper Bag - O - Tea should be left for the dead lol
EDIT - 3. When you've just killed a blink shotgunner using Universal Remote (they do seem to run amuck in crucible these days lol)(also i'm just F&*&ing kidding)
I never don't tbag
The salt must be proportionate to the size of your post
Just a quick dunk! 😂😂😂
I dont,unless someone does it. If i see someone dance wave tbag w/e to a team mate ill call it out to my fireteam and everytime that enemy dies they do the exact same thing back at them
Shut up. Tbag
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for a teabagging, I can tell you I don't teabag for no reason. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop bagging me now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will slather my hairy beanbag mercilessly across your expressionless dying pie hole any chance I get.
And 3 when its your friend
T bag whenever I feel like it. For exactly whatEVER I feel like. You do the same. Bothers me ZERO. #CuZvideoGame
So I am not allowed to tbag the one guy that will die to any enemy during a strike?
Been playing iron banner for 1 hour now and got bagged at least 5 times. I always look for the bagger, shotgun punish them, and the bag them and message them. I can bag too.
Tea bagging has etiquette now? Wow. That's adorable. The gaming community gets a little more sad each day.
I used to do it, now I only reciprocate.
Idk, last iron banner with the bullshit matchmaking gave us a 3v5, eventually only 2 remained me and some other guy. So to annoy the other team I pulled out a universal and t-bagged every kill, might as well make fun if I'm going to lose.
Petition here if you T-Bag no matter what, especially because it makes kids like OP salty
I never tbag unless they do it cause I'll just merc them the next time I see them and they get butthurt
A good deal of people are probably doing it for shits and giggles BECAUSE they are losing or because it happened in a meaningless way. I t-bag for fun in mayhem and that's like the most casual and stupid gametype of them all - not to mention that it takes zero skill to golden gun someone. That's why it's funny to me.
I could careless, I don't personally teabag because I'm looking for my next target but it does get under peoples skin for whatever reason....doesn't bother me at all
personally t-bagging is childish and really uncalled for. poor sportsman conduct is really all it boils down to regardless if your winning or losing.
Step 1: don't find a player repeatedly crouching on your body offensive
Get rekt, fool.
Lol people get mad when bagged Don't get mad get even
I thought it was a generally accepted truth that people who teabag are scrubs, and that you'll never see a scrub adhering to any sort of code.
Meh, losers will be losers. Let them feel like they arent complete loser befor they lose, you know, dont want them to feel sad.
I bag people I know
I t-bagged a Universal Remote Titan and got hate mail lol. I also t-bagged when I got two headshots TFC, jumped, spun the gun, and got a third head shot. Damn that gun is great.