So, I was just got done playing Overwatch on my Xb1 and decided to try farming for grasp, so I turned on my 360 and preparing for more disappointment. Everything was looking good, then the red ring appeared... I quickly turned my 360 off to try and save it but that was all in vain. I just watched the thing I spent around $300-$400 for, die right in front of my eyes. This means I have to buy destiny for Xb1(was already planning to once ROI dropped). It also means that all the good times I had with that thing has finally come to a end. People may understand why it's sad that my 360 die(it's because it was my first game system I paid for with my own money, also it's a first gen 360). To anybody that is going through the same thing I'm going through please post. This goes for PlayStation player along with PC players too.
Well I guess I have to go say goodbye to a old friend :'(
I don't really care about 360 no more