[spoiler]Oh. Teleportation. Riiiiiight. I forgot.[/spoiler]
[i]"The Dojo. Home to all warriors?"[/i]
"Er.... I'm just a homeless girl with a few guns. I'm no warrior."
[i]"I didn't say you were."[/i]
"Um... okay. Well, if I've never heard of this dojo, it's probably really far away. The nearest place of residence outside of Binard is a few hundred miles. I don't have the money for a plane or car ride...."
[i]"I'm a Mage. I'll take you!" [/i] [b]You suddenly find yourself outside a set of massive gates [/b]
"Whoa!" [b]She stumbles, falling.[/b] "Wassat!?" [b]She pats her violin case, then realizes that her bucket of change was still at Binard.[/b] "Noooo! That was a week of work! There was at least 5 dollars there...."
[b]Merlin Sighs [/b] [i]"This is the dojo."[/i]
[b]She looks at the dojo.[/b] "Whoa... this place is fancy.... There's no way I could afford a room here. Seeing as you left all my money at Binard, which, granted, was only about 250 dollars. Still!"
[i]"Staying here is free."[/i]
[b]She blinks.[/b] "How do you guys afford to keep the place, then?"
[i]"Huh?" [/i]
"You're telling me. That this entire building. Was [i]free[/i]?"
[i]"It was built, but essentially residency is free. Food is free. Training is free."[/i]
[b]Her jaw drops.[/b] "H-how!? Th-this... if food's free, who supplies it?"
[i]"I dunno. Someone does."[/i]
"I... okay.... Then how d'I get in?"
[i]"That's the problem. You have to fight someone." [/i]
"Oooooh...." [b]She fidgets nervously.[/b] "I mean.... I can fight perfectly fine... I guess... but I don't have any fancy powers. Like teleportation."
[i]"Yeah. You can fight someone with no powers."[/i]
"Ooooookay." [b]She pulls a revolver from her belt, twirling it around her fingers.[/b]
[i]"A gun? You're no fun."[/i] [b]Violet walks over [/b]
"Er.... I grew up in a city. Homeless. With a shit ton of cannibals, gangs, and criminals. I think I'm gonna use a gun."
[b]Violet raises her fists [/b]
[spoiler]I'm planning to give this character a little power of slowing/speeding up timing, but she won't know. No time jumping, though.[/spoiler] [b]Time seems to slow down as Alpha raises her revolver. She aims, and time being slowed down, she had plenty of time and no stress to aim, and fired three shots as time returned to normal.[/b]