"Yeah... why?"
"I tried to help you guys catch her right?"
"Oh yeah... that's right...." [b]She laughs awkwardly, before looking at Yuldner, who yawns again.[/b] "[i]'Ello? Anybody there?[/i]"
"what are you doing here? Are you evil?"
[b]She blinks.[/b] "[i]Er... I'm not sure how to answer that....[/i]"
"By telling me what you're doing here and if you are going to try and kill us or not..."
"[i]Um... okay.... I'm not gonna kill yah.... And I'm just wonderin', do yah know anybody named Fentis?[/i]"
"[i]Well.... He's the general of the Legion of Dragons... which I happen to have founded....[/i]"
"Mkay... And?"
"[i]Well, I'd obviously like to see how he's doing....[/i]"
"Well... I don't think you can..."
"[i]Huh? Why not?[/i]"
"Well, he sort of, isn't, here... And we're trying to get him back..."
"[i]Did he run away or something?[/i]"
"He wouldn't do that... There's someone... Anyways, he was sorta taken hostage..."
"[i]H-hostage!?[/i]" [b]At this, Yuldner (Yara) looks surprised.[/b] "[i]How could Fentis have been taken hostage.... Oh.[/i]" [b]A look of comprehension dawns on her face, and she chooses her next words carefully.[/b] "[i]Well, I have two things to say. One, the Legion of Dragons... isn't what it used to be. Secondly.... Be careful with what you say, when you're around strangers.[/i]"
"What do you mean?"
[b]She shakes her head sadly.[/b] "[i]I can't go into details... else I'll end up in Fentis's position.[/i]"
"Oh, I see... Do you have any idea who may have taken him?"
"[i]I might... but both Fentis and I will die if I even said their name. I put myself at risk by simply telling you I might know who.[/i]"
"Clearly this person is no joke then..."
[b]She shakes her head sadly.[/b] "[i]Anyway... may I enter?[/i]"
*He turns to Clare and shrugs.*
[b]Clare sighs.[/b] "Well... since you know Fentis... you can get in.... If you promise not to even enter Stage One." [b]Her expression is stern, and Yara sighs.[/b] "[i]Alright....[/i]"