Let me give you an example: I can't think of many right now, but earlier this year, Uncharted 4 became probably my favourite linear action adventure (third-person) game ever. It's gorgeous, riveting, jaw-dropping and intense...
Better than every Tomb Raider (I've played II and 2013), Gears, Bayonetta (not by a lot)...
It joins the likes of Halo 3, BioShock, Half-Life, Skyrim, Burnout 3 (for variety), Crash 3, etc. as one of my favourite games ever. So what's the last game that broke into your favourites ever?
Why the hell did this get downvoted? I'm just asking a question.
[quote]Why the hell did this get downvoted? I'm just asking a question.[/quote] Don't let it get to you, some people downvotw for the silliest reason. They don't like the length, the title, how they imagined you talking, or perhaps they just ran into a jerk in the thread. It's not like you're gaining/losing anything by how up/downvoted, so caring is really pointless, imo. My threads get downvoted all the time. ^-^ "Yes, but unlike you, some people care about what others think." Eh.. I suppose you have a point, Lev.