You sure get awfully salty over a casual game. I suggest maybe getting a Xanax prescription from your doc and popping one 20 minutes before your next match. You might find yourself having a good time.
Xans work 100%, getting out of hand tho
Sry man i wasnt trying to say u were salty just that lotta people arnt casually playing this game, most those people quit or know better then go on the boards. Xanax is what a lotta people need to take before going on the boards/game lol
Look at all the salty hate people spew when ever anyone says ANYTHING negative about this game, is it cuz they play casually??
Except for the part where the OP is saying things about other players, and not really the game in general. Also, where's my salt? I'm just trying to help a gamer have fun with their game. Xanax is legit.
I think you're just salty because you don't have the guns, I'm not saying they are not op. But they take some skill, universal remote for example, can be beaten at any range other than close.