I know your leaving last Gen behind and taking off trials and iron banner. But what's the point of taking trials away from last Gen. Please consider leaving trials in for last Gen people. It's a fun thing. I can't afford to buy a ps4. So please can you consider leaving trials in for last Gen. Sincerely, a Last Gen Guardian
The bungie team has moved off of last gen. That means that everyone is working on either Destiny 2 or RoI. No point in working on a 11 year old console with no chance of profitability. Last gen is dead and buried.
Jesus you had 3-10 yrs saving for a ps4! Why didnt u? U should have known that ps3/xbox will die soon. Get a work!!!
No, good try though.
Buy a new console?
Because trials will be played on new pvp maps. Will also be new year 3 gear. I might sound unfair here but I'm just stating the truth. Last gen is really struggling to power the game now. They are 10 years old. Last gen as really held the game back for ps4 and xbox one players. You might not be able to afford a ps4 just like that but you've had 3 years save up for one. Ps4 got announced in March 2013. You had 8 months to save up. Since ps4 came out you could of saved $10/ £10 a week for one year which is 520. 520x3 is 1560. Sorry to say it but you've had plenty of time.
Sry to say but... you are screwed.