This community is filled with morons...
two months after release: wheres all the shit you showed off? There is nothing to do now.
Tldr this community is filled with gold fish who can't remember how bored they got so quickly with a bigger dlc the year before...
Ain't that the truth. I've played this for to long to have the wool pulled over my eyes. The storey will be short and sweet then it's just about the Raid for me. They can keep their glitchy, laggy bag of shit crucible.
why are you on the forums if all you have to say is opposite what everyone else wants. (i definitely am not being hypocritical)
Ur dumb. There, see? I can troll too.
Same s**t goes with cod but in a slightly different way. Yet people still buy it People buy everything these days so you have no point since even if you state it, it won't matter.
Whatever helps you feel better addict.
I mean, I'm still having fun with ttk so... Yeah
Say that to offtopic
No ill say it here
Lol, right, didn't they show them warlock boots before.
For how long this game can last at it's core is worth it. Play any same game for 12 months or whatever, it will get boring. Basic human issues here. Go away for a month or two, come back and refresh yourself. Anything, anywhere gets old if drilled into the ground. Radio stations kill songs for example. Destiny was well worth it.
That's what I'm doing. Playing Overwatch and catching up on Fallout 4 among others. I thought I hated the game and realized I've put a lot of hours in and I'm just burned out. I'm sure I'll be back hard in September. No Man's Sky next week!
I got all my characters to max light level, finished moments of triumph, got all the grim I could (besides events I missed) and got all of the exotics. Yes I'm bored. But I'm also excited for new content. If you put down the game until new content comes out it really is a pleasant experience.
Wish you took a nicer approach but you aren't lieing. Alot of people did get bored of this game, others keep/kept playing for various reasons.
Yeah they get way too excited
Your opinion was not requested and thus it only matters to you.
Right back at you.
You got bored? I'm still enjoying it quite a bit.
unfortunately, I jumped right into this bandwagon. again. because I saw the newest info, like Destiny enough that I wanted to play the new content even though I still haven't run ToO or completed a HM raid, so I made my preorder. and then I remembered what you posted, and read some of the replies to your post and got to thinking, "damn, I might have just shot myself in the foot. again". what can I say? I enjoy playing Destiny. I just don't like being led around by my longhairs.
The ornaments... This is my happiness from chroma 10x!!!!
Thanks for the easy mute and helping me clean up my forum experience. It's possible to be critical without the toxicity. You obviously do not know how.
Mutes are for cowards...
I disagree. Nothing wrong with a more pleasant forum experience. It's fine to disagree and be critical of course, but I just simple don't have time for irrational losers.
Actually, they're for instruments. :)
your a moron. there are definitely people within the community the fit this description. But to describe the entire community as this is ignorant and asinine.