I think Sunsinger with get the most use out of it since the super isn't that effective in PvP anyways. The rest? Most have the ability to have double abilities as is. I don't think it'll be that different. However, Artifacts will become the new thing to check before each trials match, I'm sure. lol
I agree sunsingers are going to be the worst whit the artifact but also the hunter Nightstalker whit double wombo one wombo is terribele enough haha
For nightstalkers to get double melee and grenade while losing their subpar super while still being able to use bones of eao for mobility is so beneficial i can't see any reason not to use it. These artifacts could be exotic though, which means for me personally they will be useless on a hunter.. I tried running some strikes without bones of eao and it was horrible.. And people complain about warlock glide? Hunter jumps without bones are so bad. :P
Well actually they arnt it's just once you've gone bones you can never go back.
If they ever decide to not bring bones forward i will probably have to delete my hunter :P
Destiny 2 nooooo
I doubt they'll force you to give up exotic armor for these artifacts.
Just found an in game image of the Artifacts. They are legendary.