only thing idont like is making the ib easier. cause the bounties are stupid easy already. whats next? just spawn in and get a completion? wtf?
but the rest of this sounds solid. 5 story missions is a wee low..1 new strike sucks donkey balls....but if pvp comes with dedicated servers or private matches... both have been asked for the loudest so its gotta be one right of them right? either of those will be a godsend. welp.... excitement level just boosted a smidge
I'm pretty keen to see what dropping last gen will do for gameplay. Hoping the whole experience will be significantly better.
Well, it's 5 story missions pertaining to the main story behind Rise Of Iron. Then they'll have multiple side stories that are after events of us defeating SIVA, similar to what we got with The Taken King, where we had the main story missions, then all those other side story missions we unlocked as we progressed through other quests we completed like "Lost To Light" and "Paradox"
ahhh well if thats the case.. rock on