If everything was overpowered, then nothing would be. It would be way easier to counter things and we would actually [i]feel[/i] powerful, rather than feeling like we're in this big pillowfight. If everything was OP like in the early days of Destiny, then the game would be a lot more fun. And there are many people that agree. So plz Bungie. Make everything OP again. Afterall, that is why I got this game in the first place.
How are we going to Become Legend if everyday it feels like we are becoming more like a fairytale.
Edit: People think that I want it to be like CoD. Nope. I mainly just want everything to be buffed back to their orignal values so that they feel powerful again. Saying that everything should be overpowered is more of a concept. I don't want like 1 shot kill handcannons and stuff lol. Just for things to be buffed so that they are more viable.
Calm down there Syndrome.