So I think we can agree Fabian is underwhelming right? Yeah there will be the handful that says "but I wreck with it!" and that may be true, its still severely outclassed. So what would be a good way to fix it?
I mostly made this topic because I saw a guardian (SEVENINE) make an interesting response: make Fabian shoot out of the titan bubble.
I instantly thought "oh wow that'd make it from worst to best overnight for a lot of folks, but would it be OP?" Maybe bullets passing through have damage falloff like crazy to compensate? Though its still has fast fire when someone is close for effective imobus/fabian combo inside the bubble?
Or how about the shield on the end? Maybe in fire fights taking head-on damage while firing has your damage reduction increased? Really allowing you to push forward to get that quick fire mode activated? Maybe when crouched its a mobile Guerilla Fighter (that actually works) and increases damage? (This latter idea was someones too)
How would you fix Fabian aside from trashing/infusing it?
I like the bubble idea. But doubt they could make it work the way we want it to. At least not quickly and without breaking the game. ( one change = glitch rockets through a bubble ) So just by looks of it. It looks like something you would use if you wanted to tank something. Or you would rush headlong into a firefight with it out. So, let's keep the increased fire rate. Increase the clip. Then maybe add something crazy or strange. Like Iron Icarus? Much more powerful dmg while in the air?! This way you rush in, jump in the air and start firing. Icarus is a lame perk so let's buff that perk for one gun? I think gorilla fighter perk would be better buffed onto a exotic sniper or scout/pulse. Just thoughts.