If anyone has the Titan quest Armored void, they'll see that it is step one in the quest line called BUILDING A WALL. Where else have we heard this? To quote Donald,
[quote]we are going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it[/quote]
So there you have it, Bungie supports WWIII.
[spoiler]this is a joke. Don't get all politically butt hurt on me. [/spoiler]
UPDATE: Some people really don't understand spoilers.
Wow the spoiler tag didn't help. But on a side note i get its a joke, but I'd personally rather not see the conflict between political parties on an already sometimes pretty toxic community forum.
Edited by JDTurkelton: 7/31/2016 4:43:36 PMYour BS disclaimer spoiler is pathetic. I don't care which side of the fence you are on - I'm from the 3rd side of PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK AND TIRED OF POLITICS! This is a game forum - leave politics out of it you absolute faking walnut. Edit: preemptive mute on this arsehat for future peace of mind.
Destiny already had WWIII, it was called the Collapse. We lost. Horribly.
The right wing nuts in this country are pathetic and full of double standards. OBAMA is going to take our guns? 8 yrs later I have more guns then before. That was a fail of the racist who dislike Obama.
Ah another democrat who prefers hillary because they are uneducated I guarantee this guy couldnt tell me the democrats base philosophy
Trump is better than that criminal Clinton.
Let me be clear, I dislike both candidates intensely. Neither will get my vote because I regard both as a nightmare. Be that as it may, it's fun to take shots at them. THREE REASONS WHY THE TOWER FAVORS "RUMP" AND OPPOSES "CRAPTON" 1. Rump likes walls. Titans like walls. 2. Crapton hates guns. Guardians collect guns. 3. Rump is capitalist. This whole "leave 10% of the players behind for the sake of 90% of them" thing is pure capitalism. Hillary would probably want to force Bungie to not only make RoI for PS3, but maybe Destiny 2 as well. AND ONE REASON WHY THEY FAVOR "CRAPTON" 1. Liberals like Clinton love environmental acts like wolf reintroduction. And Rise of Iron is full of wolves.
Trump is the traveller confirmed
You probably support trump... Just admit it
My political butt hurts very much right now. I'm going to make a long rant on how you're wrong EVEN THOUGH ITS CLEAR THAT YOU'RE JOKING.
Destiny is the result of Putin and Trump making the alliance and building their walls and destroying the planets. Shaxx for President - Make Earth Great Again!
If the Clinton's get elected again because of the idiots (otherwise known as the youth vote), I'm packing up my shyte and moving out of the cosmodrome. How people can't see how evil that family is is beyond me.
Thanks for bringing politics into a gaming forum. Also, thank you for the mute list. You're up first. [spoiler]Your ghost should have chosen someone else[/spoiler]
Donald Trump supporters are the dregs of society. Donald Trumps campaign is run on fear. Fear the end of the world is here and trump can save it. In reality everyone I know is doing pretty good for themselves as far as housing good paying jobs etc. Alot of trump supporters actually think there is a genocide of white people going on in the usa. Are you freaking kidding me???? Omg where is this genocide happening?? Most of the trump supporters don't live around any minoritys or black people so what are they so afraid of? If trump is president he will shut down free speech, wait until a newspaper or a journalist upsets him. It could be a joe stalin Russia all over again. He retweets white supremacists in Twitter over and over then plays dumb when he is confronted by this. This guy is a fool who is rich from his daddy and that's it. Besides would you want someone president who never ever cut his own grass one time?
Well we already know they don't support Hillary. Because if she had her way, Guardians wouldn't have any guns!
Oml lol
Oh no :(
Good, can't imagine why people would support Hilary . Hilary for Prison 2016
Lol people want Hillary for President hahahaha
Everyone should!
That quest was released before Trump's campign lol wow lol
I know this is a joke. But doesn't Mexico have a wall on their southern side to keep illegals out? Think about it
Excellent. He will become humanity's first Emperor.
[quote]If anyone has the Titan quest Armored void, they'll see that it is step one in the quest line called BUILDING A WALL. Where else have we heard this? To quote Donald, [quote]we are going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it[/quote] So there you have it, Bungie supports WWIII. [spoiler]this is a joke. Don't get all politically butt hurt on me. [/spoiler][/quote] I'm not really into politics, they're all a bunch of lying gobshites, but I'm kinda curious as to how the world would be with Trump as president? (3 words I never thought I'd put in a single sentence). I keep thinking of lab coats giving a chimp a shotgun just to see what will happen.