looking at this from my and other warlock point of view there is nothing I would want more than to have my favorite weapon in the game buffed this away this is an awesome idea and I think it is perfect for how the gun operates.
But now looking at it from probably around the remaining 2/3 of the community this is not a good idea lol it would mostlikely make this already beast of a gun way to OP.
Yes we give up our super to make this gun a beast but adding elemental damage to it would b too much. I'd expect if bungie did add it we would recieve a nurf of some sort with it being added or shortly after it being added to it and idk about you but I'd honslestly rather have them not even touch the gun than to do something that I'm 99.99999999% sure would end n a nerf and me not liking it any more.
Now going off of what u said and how the taloac works you gave me an idea that I believe everyone would agree on and have no problem with. And that idea is to just add the subclass animation to the gun exactly how the warlock exclusive fusion rifle is. Add what ever subclass is like if I have solar equipped when my super is full add a slight solar glow to the gun and have the rounds coming out solar looking rounds and same for void and arc classes.
Best call for the naysayers, add the subclass based elemental damage, but drop a bit off the last perk. It won't be as super of a gun in general, but it would introduce another elemental primary