Bungie make this a thing!
You thought the SIVA fallen going around was going to be a problem? Ever since the wall protecting the city was breached all kinds of monstrosities started pouring into the city. But a specific kind of monster appeared....and it is looking to kick people out of their game....stop the Beavers and take back the city! Pre-order now and receive the iron Beaver tail exotic sword, you also get the exclusive Beaver themed sparrow! Turn the tides on the beaver menace and take back the city!
Another excuse to cancel launch for another 3 months.
[b]Pre-order the Destiny: Rise of Beavers edition and get the exclusive error Sparrow and now starting 29.69 [/b]
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Is shooting a beaver with a CamelTolesto redundant?
Hurry! Kill the Beavers before they resurrect the Storks and Weasels!
Edited by Wolfishhat8131: 7/29/2016 6:54:50 PMWe have been hit with the BIVA plague ahead of the release of Rise of Iron. It's all part of the launch schedule. BIVA corrupts older hardware and uses it to destroy guardians light. It's a clue for the raid! #BIVA
Edited by PBRbaby: 7/29/2016 7:37:26 PMRising Iron and Beavers. I like where this is going.
SIVA infested beavers as pets of the devil splicers would be hilarious.
Edited by CoolingCone5103: 7/28/2016 9:06:56 PMI've been saying someone needs to make a short animated cartoon where Beavers terrorize the Crucible, Raids, Strikes, and Social Spaces Slenderman Style. Think players getting dragged off by Beavers every few minutes.
Weasels, Beavers and Baboons oh my!
I thought they were going to recycle through the expansions: The Beaver Below, House of Beavers, The Taken Beaver, and then Rise of Beavers? Or was House of Beavers already copyrighted?
All building dams and shit in the cosmodrome
Everyone is infected by BIVA - get your weapon checked, you may have caught something...
I haven't got a single one.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 The title but where are the #beavers in destiny?
Rise of Skill Based Match Making: Lag.
Edited by Audiblegold86: 7/28/2016 11:49:07 PMDestiny: Rise of Beavers. The aim of the new expansion pack is to be able to reach the tower. Players will have to face a multitude of foes in their battle to reach the tower. Centipedes, Baboons, Weasels and then the final boss that awaits them at the tower, the Beaver, a very powerful opponent that is known to defeat guardians within seconds of actually reaching the tower. Once you have successfully reached the tower after defeating the mighty Beaver, you have reached end game. There are no further activities available in Rise of Beavers. Your guardian will be awarded with a special shader, "beavergasm" and a new emote called "bend over" as a special thank you from Bungie for buying Rise of Beavers.
Don't forget about baboons.
Eliminate the Target. Level 8 Beaver Captain
I'll take 2!
I'd like to see the Beavers defenses penetrated by a raid party.
And they should kick you out of it too! [spoiler]Sigh...[/spoiler]
In fact, this game could profit of some wackiness. They should make Beaver garments and Beaver strikes, "normal" game being completely exhausted. Just don't bring in teleporting beavers.
That's not cool man, because then you would have to become beavers to beat your enemy.
That beaver came from the moon! Whoa!