[spoiler]To those who [b][i][u]DONT[/u][/i][/b] want to have a small bit of grimoire spoiled please don't read.
Is it just me or would it be really cool to have a weapon evolution ([i]Much like the Necrochasm[/i]) to be involved with the Thorn Exotic Handcannon? In the grimoire part of destiny thorn has quite an interesting back story. In this story Thorn used to be a Handcannon called Rose but was corrupted by the darkness. Sometime in the future I would like to see the Thorn be able to be "[i]Cleansed[/i]" of its corruption and revert to its former state, Rose. Please tell me what you think in the comments if you want to.[/spoiler]
This would be good. One thing you could do is make Thorn slower firing and keep Rose fast. I really like health regeneration by ticks like thorn does poison. Make an exotic quest from Ikora to get Thorn assists, defends, and assisted kills to make the green shots slightly turn red. Return, do a special Phogoth strike (NF difficulty) and get one hundred assists and defends and assisted kills together in it. To completely cleanse it infuse an Etheric light into it to turn it back into rose.