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7/27/2016 12:45:08 PM

The Speaker Needs A Faction

So everyone else has a faction, cept for this "I could tell you but I won't" guy. 'Tis time he had a faction. Give him gear to sell that's visually different from the stuff others are selling. Give him 3 of Coins to sell for motes or glimmer or whatever. In his area, put a kiosk for the Grimorie cards. Sure, I could view it on the app, that's great, but it should have been in game a long long time ago. Perhaps via rep with the Speaker we could bring Y1 into Y2? We go to see him, with like an Ethric Light or a bunch of motes and boom, your Shattered Cloak is now y2 viable. The dude is supposed to be something awesome no? Well, that'd be awesome and it's about time. Also, give each faction a special buff. The Speaker's could have orbs drop randomly from pve kills. For FWC, shooting ammo picks it up. Dead orbit...something like the ability to get weapon parts and armor mats from engrams. NM maybe gets like 10% more glimmer from kills.

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