My first legendary weapon was a A.1F19X-Ryl scout rifle. Beat my first vault of glass with it, and did many of my "firsts" with it. I love weapon and will never dismantle it. You have stated, that year 2 guns and armor will be infusible for year 3. You have already brought back old favorites from year 1, why can't you allow us to infuse forward our old gear (not fatebringer and equivalent weapons) to year 2 values.
Allow us to upgrade our year 1, NON-raid (no fate, vision, black hammer, etc.) legendary weapons to year 2 and eventually year 3 values.
Bungie should make it so (at the very least) Y1 veterans get to bring up [b]ONE[/b] armor piece and [b]ONE[/b] weapon of our choosing. It'd be a pain to program but Year One-ers would love it.