You are the bravest individuals I've ever met. And those who can win solo, my god you are legends, I feel the pain of those who can't.
Randoms in comp are 8/10 cancer, stay strong solo players
Played 8/10 placement matches with a full team of friends. The 2 I went solo we won. Long story short, I need better friends.
In all honesty I don't get how blizzard can get away with overwatch. Don't get me wrong it's a good game and I have fun with it but at least from what I saw leading up to it, it's just such a disappointment. Now maybe I didn't do my research and it was never advertised as a big game, but it honestly seems to have less content than day 1 destiny (which was also a disappointment). So many people were upset about the lack of content in games like titanfall, destiny, evolve and all those disappointments, but when blizzard releases a game with just fps pvp, it's praised...I don't get it. Characters are awesome and the gameplay is fun and the graphics are unique and cool but there's really only one mode that's it. Good game, but I don't see how people can like overwatch and then trash games like destiny and titanfall.
Edited by The Dovahk: 7/27/2016 9:50:13 PMPeople still play this game? EDIT: People actually enjoy this game? It felt so boring after like 3 hours of playing it.
I usually play solo. But I usually lose too lol
Generally the match ups are good but then sometimes you get... [spoiler]People choosing Mcree and Genji on Defense (even though it says few defense heroes) and then rage because we loose quickly[/spoiler]
I solo and Im at about very slightly above 50% win rate, but most of the time teammates that I have are okay. One time in quickplay though we had an Ana and I chose Roadhog, because I wanted to, did my 300 healing, waited, then got melted as I tried to heal it. Switched to Dva, held off the enemy essentially on my own, lost the game, then the medals show up. I was top healing, for playing about a minute of Roadhog, despite the Ana pick for the entire map.
Solo'ing in that game makes me sad. It reminds me how awful some people are at team based games because they are more interested in meaningless K/D stats that they aren't even doing well in anyway.
The praise is appreciated. I hover around a rating of sixty, solo ninety percent of the time.
Has anyone here had the chance to play the new Reyblade mode?
I solo often and loose often but I still have fun.
It sucks man, I'm right on the edge of ELO hell and am fight to keep out of it.
I always play solo and pretty often end up with garbage teams. I can fill just about any role easily except for healer, but my team always seems to think that reaper, soldier, pharah, and are the only option. I've had matches where I was playing widowmaker and a friendly roadhog seemed hiding behind me is the smartest option when attacked. I've seen Ana attacking the enemy at a range where reaper would be most effective. I've played matches with four snipers on koth maps. It's really ridiculous how inconsiderate people are to the people on their team who are just trying to play a good match...
Edited by Kirby235711: 7/25/2016 6:57:16 PMOne time in solo queue, we ended up with three supports (Me as Ana, a Lucio, and a Symmetra). Surprisingly, nano boosting Symmetra is awesome.
o7 Solo support player here
I'm ranked 60 and have always solo que
Edited by PROJECT Rawrrr: 7/25/2016 7:59:51 PMI made it to 65 a while ago, but I stopped playing ranked because of premades
Idk but since this patch I lost 1 match in comp. On such a massive streak right now it's great.
Playing solo comp and averaging around 56. Majority of the time playing Junkrat or Ana. Prefer playing comp over quick play with the recent update.
"With friends like these. Who needs enemies?"
When I play with randoms, my team wins 7/10 times. That could be because I main Mercy, but I'm not sure.
Just solo won with tracer went on a 15 kill streak and had 30 elimination kills but we had a healer