Post cool/fun or funny things you've done in school or witnessed.
Here's mine:
[spoiler]In high school, me and my I.T. class sang rick astley's "never gonna give you up" for the school talent show.
Rickrolled an entire school. It was awesome.[/spoiler]
My music teacher said to the class that in order to play a guitar you have to actually pick it up and my ears pricked up at this and I said: "WHAT?????? NOOOOO!" She replies with: "Yeah I know, shocking." And I jump up and yell: "SCIENCE HAS GONE TOO FAR, I MUST GO TO MY LAB!!!" And I sprinted out of the class room. Then a person told somebody to close and lock the door, so I sprinted back and dived back into the room, and everybody was laughing. Then the day resumed like normal.