Post cool/fun or funny things you've done in school or witnessed.
Here's mine:
[spoiler]In high school, me and my I.T. class sang rick astley's "never gonna give you up" for the school talent show.
Rickrolled an entire school. It was awesome.[/spoiler]
Last year of middle school, end of the school year. Some kids download cracked versions of Halo CE, Halo 4, Minecraft, and least I forget, barbies beach house adventure. The kids uploaded them on to the "student work file" and everyone was able to play those games. It was a ton of fun, we played that whenever the teacher would turn his/her backs. Soon after that though, some loser decided that he was going to be a goody two shoes and tell the principle. After that our "morning news" came on the next day and said that "each students home drive will be searched for, [b]Maylo[/b], [b]mineshaft[/b], and barbies beach house adventure. After that the entire class couldn't stop laughing and it has become a school meme.