I personally feel that slow rate of fire auto rifles need a [b]SLIGHT[/b] base damage buff. They simply cannot compete with scout rifles, hand cannons, or pulse rifles. They're to popular and statistics are way better, making auto rifles very, very outplayed. The usage of auto rifles are [b]VERY LOW, [/b]and I would like to see all guns equal in PvP. Feel free to [b]LEAVE A LIKE [/b]on this post, I would love to see what the majority of the community thinks :D. I really want Bungie to do a little something to auto rifles so they are viable. [b]NOT TALKING ABOUT HIGH FIRE RATE AUTO RIFLES[/b]. We all know about the "Doctrine Of Passing".
Auto rifles got a buff.(mid-fire rate)
Excuse me kind sirs'. What good perks should I look for when getting an arms day auto rifle??
Funny, JMPDoubleX just made a video on this XD!
Bump. All autos need a buff in my opinion
Low fire autos dont make sense.... why use those when yoi could just use fast firing scouts. No damage fall off
If that happens slow firing AR will be the best guns in the crucible..Those are the only kind I like using, and you are right they are outclassed by a lot of guns.
0.04% buff please.
LRoF autos need a slight buff.
I think the universal remote needs a buff...not enough range on that weapon. Pfft
Sure let's just go back to when SUROS was the ruling King. Won't be long until someone bitches about it.
Abso! My Arminius could you a damage and rof buff. Probably should double both.
I tend to switch between antipodal hindsight and answering cord for crucible I tend to not have to many issues with either
Used suros during banner..... it felt amazing. It was good balanced and not too good but i could beat people in gunfights
No, but I will tell you what does. Mid RoF Pulse Rifles need a buff and Hand Cannons need an ammo buff. A sniper change that needs to be made is AA reduced significantly on high impact snipers. You want to body shot + primary? Fine, but you will have to earn it harder. That will also make lower impact snipers more appealing. Right now most people use like 3 different snipers in Crucible. The game has tons!
All primaries do need a buff (legendaries).
Edited by Young_King_Kush: 7/25/2016 11:29:05 AMDoP type autos are good where they are IMO Suros Regime & Monte Carlo types need a slight buff in Crucible tho. Maybe not even a buff, just increase the distance from the target the damage drop off starts by a bit.
As an actual auto rifle user despite any meta, low impact and mid autos need slight buffs. High impact autos are in a decent spot. Suros Regime does need a buff though. [spoiler]I am always looking for god auto rifle rolls and even though I have more than quite a few god rolls already. I have always like the slow rof, high impact auto rifles the best.[/spoiler]
Balance with respect to other primaries: Mid-RoF (ZC and Monte Carlo) are fine right where they are. Low-RoF ( Grimm Citizen, Shadowprice) could use a TINY buff. Balance with respect to the game's special weapons: Every weapon in the game needs a -blam!-ing buff.
High impact low RoF weapons of all kinds need a buff. SUROS Regime, and red death style weapons always lose to High RoF low impact weapons like the doctrine of passing or hawksaw. It's kinda ridiculous how those high RoF weapons can seemingly fire off entire magazines before my weapons can fire off a second burst/shot.
I like them excluding their crappy damage fall-off.
I think the fast RoF autos are in a good spot. Mid and low RoF autos just need significantly longer ranges. Especially the Suros regime archetype. The damage they do (at intended range) is fine IMO.
I love how the majority of fans are in agreement. Please, Bungie. Make low ROF auto rifles great again!
Buff hard light
Lower auto rifles suck that's why you need to hire auto rifle my favorite is Zhalo. It rocks but I have others that are really good just the specials on Zihalo are really is cool. It's my main monster
To all those who say yes.... Well... you are incorrect. I am a middling level PVP'er at best. And they do just fine for me. Learn to use em, because they wreck in PVP. If anything, HIgh impact Pulse rifles, and Hand Cannons need some love. Scouts and Auto's are JUST FINE!