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Edited by Lord Sicarius: 7/23/2016 9:48:08 PM
I would use the ultimate girl power of looking sexy on guys and get them to buy me everything Then when they would run out of money I would shove them down into the friend zone so hard Then I would act like I'm in this intense relationship, have a bad breakup, cry hard while eating ice cream and post it on Facebook, and see the responses I get Get all the hot girls I become friends with's phone numbers so I have them for later Then I would wreck some twelve year olds on Xbox Live and troll them while they still confused on me being a grill Then if I'm in a store and some guy accidentally bumps into me I would call him a sexist homophobic bigot republican racist pervert and scream really loud and make a scene, and then post a novel worthy rant on Facebook about how men are pigs Experience a period to know if getting kicked in the balls is the equivalent Understand the struggle to run and play sports with big boobs and without a bra Stare at myself before taking a shower and wonder if I look sexy as a girl Experiment with things because science (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Walk into the men's bathroom and sexually identify myself as a man

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