335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Hey guys! I'm looking to play some trials! My stats are 1.52kd and 1723 Elo with a 82% win percentage. Please have similar stats PLEASE. My gt is isaac459 message me! Thanks
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
1700 ELO 1.35 Hunter lookin for better or same. No trash
334 Hunter looking for invite to do trials.
Need 1 for trials must be 330 or above message for inv
Need 1 to go flawless msg liledin15
Need 1 more to go flawless msg liledin15
1.42KD Bladedancer 1805ELO Looking for 1 with similar stats, Message GT above
1.52 warlock with a 1800 Elo 1.4 Hunter with 1724 Elo Need one with a 1.4+ kd and 1600 Elo+ Message me for an invite I will check stats
1.6Kd 1680 ELO looking for team invite if you have similar stats
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
335 hunter with a positive kd looking for a team for either a quick flawless or a little elo farming. Gt same. Checking stats please have a 1.2+ kd and at least 1300 elo.
335 hunter with a positive kd looking for a team for either a quick flawless or a little elo farming. Gt same. Checking stats please have a 1.2+ kd and at least 1300 elo.
Need one more for flawless run message zBoldSnipez for inv
335 warlock looking to go try hard for flawless i could hold my own send inv Gt: CLD BLDED KILA
Looking for two more decent, 1.2+ Gt: highfly94
silent kill gg warlock stormcaller universal/lastword 1000yard/ god roll partycrasher 1.22kd 1660 elo looking to just get elo up. that means wins no loses message me for inv same stats or higher need one
335 warlock gamertag same as above invite me to your team
334 warlock looking to go try hard for flawless i could hold my own send inv Gt: CLD BLDED KILA
I've never been to the lighthouse I ask that two guardians help me there.
Titan Striker 1.43 elo 1,497. Other guy is 1.50 elo 1,646. With a 77% win rate. Looking for a third. Will be checking stats so it will take a moment. No party chat invs please. Msg legendofrich121 if interested
Need 2 good trials players to help this 333 Titan get to lighthouse,I do have a .8 kd but I'm a good sniper I'll be checking stats too gt same
Need one for flawless. Message for invite
Hello Trials Gamers This is not a carry today I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!!
Farming passage coins in trials message me for an invite, btw I'm appearing off GT: The iPodTouchMe
332 Hunter looking to run a card and take it for the long run. Message me if your fire team needs 1. Fresh bub08