335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Trials sweat! 1.22kd 20x flawless leggo 1600ish ELO Gt same as name
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
Need one 330+ must hold your own message tbrewer95
Have two we both have 1.44 with 1700 ELO looking for one more with similar stats. GT Relatum
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Demigods_Gaming looking to help another group go flawless today hope we can have success and a fun ticket its first come first serve GT same as above message for invite, also feel free to check out our YouTube https://youtu.be/7nHsQi4X318
Need 1 Be good or get a boot Must have: Mic 325+ Positive k/d I have a 1.19 k/d
Need a 1.5+ k/d for flawless Been flawless 115 times and ranked top 1% Msg darkstelcolusus for inv
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
Need 1 Be good or get a boot Must have: Mic 325+ Positive k/d I have a 1.19 k/d
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Hey guys! I'm looking to play some trials! My stats are 1.52kd and 1723 Elo with a 82% win percentage. Please have similar stats PLEASE. My gt is isaac459 message me! Thanks
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
Hosting t.0.0 Need 1.2+ kds Hold your own Mines 1.24 night S. Msg bubb13zz
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
Need 1 for trials 1.4kd plus 1400 ELO 5+ Flawless Mag for invite
Trials sweat! 1.22kd 20x flawless leggo 1600ish ELO Gt same as name
1.44 hunt with a 1700 ELO looking for two players with similar or better stats AUS only GT Relatum
Looking to join a team. 334 hunter please inv
Warlock. 1223 ELO, 1,10 KD looking for two others to play and have fun with.
Looking for a player that can snipe And hold their own! Have a positive KD And have an elo over 1500! :) here are my stats |1.01 KD 1558 elo| 25 x flawless|
Need 1 1.4+ Will check
Hey guys! I'm looking to play some trials! My stats are 1.52kd and 1723 Elo with a 82% win percentage. Please have similar stats PLEASE. My gt is isaac459 message me! Thanks