335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 2 professionals 1400+ elo 1.2+ kd Checking stats Msg naruto914
I am going to do bonuties first and after that flawless, the team must have a simliar kd to mine which is 1.42 and elo 1500, must be good and know what they are doing message G3N3RAL WES for invite
Need 2, 1.5+ only. I will be checking. Gt: jehstt
looking for a sweaty team trying to go flawless can hold my own but still looking to be carried to lighthouse pls inv me if u have a spot ty (gt: sgnt)
Need 1 for flawless Msg for inv 1400 & 1600 elo Be good
Looking for team have a 1.4 kd message gt above must have similar stats looking for quick flawless
Lookin for one more for flawless run my GT is XG Ninj4 message for inv
Need one for bounties only gt same as above msg for inv
Need one more for trials be chill don't care about elo or kd just be decent, I have bounties to do but are going flawless as well, message me for invite gt as above
Need one for bounties, msg dmr elite90
Looking for team have a 1.4 kd message gt above must have similar stats looking for quick flawless
2.0 overall kd looking for someone similar msg gt hollsopple for inv
Need two for bounties and no mic
333 Nightstalker. Have a 1630 Elo and have been flawless 30+ times. Need 1 with similar stats. Message your Elo and number of times flawless to Hazzy.
333 Nightstalker. Have a 1630 Elo and have been flawless 30+ times. Need 1 with similar stats. Message your Elo and number of times flawless to Hazzy.
Need 2 good poeple for flawless. Dont waste my time
Lf 2 with at least 1500elo for a quick flawless run. Inv me or msg me for inv
Need two good players for flawless don't want to lose
looking for a sweaty team trying to go flawless can hold my own but still looking to be carried to lighthouse pls inv me if u have a spot ty (gt: sgnt)
bounties, inv vfritzyy
Looking for two gt same as above send message or inv via console
Need 2 for flawless send message +KD XB1
Have Two both with positive k/d so no scrubs please must have been flawless since april update gt same as name mess for inv
need one with a 1.2 + for trials we are both 1500 + gt mrpoohbear503
Bounties no mics
Need one more we both have positive k/d so no scrubs please gt same as name mess for inv