335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need one for flawless run carry your own, gt PuttPutt24
Looking to go flawless, let me know if you want to join! Shoot me a msg on Xbox - Promiinent
Looking for 2 to do bounties and get seven wins
Need 1 person for a flawless run. Must have been flawless before. Hold your own. Msg ForeseenLoki5
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy don't invite me if your a trash little kid
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Need 1. I have a 1.4 1780 Elo Have similar or better stats I will check Message i rileyyyy
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy don't invite me if your a trash little kid
Hello Trials Gamers I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!! Looking for another streamer to carry people
Need 1. I have a 1.4 1780 Elo Have similar or better stats I will check Message i rileyyyy
Need 1 person for a flawless run. Must have been flawless before. Hold your own.
Need 1. I have a 1.4 1780 Elo Have similar or better stats I will check Message i rileyyyy
Need two for fast flawless be 1.8 kd+ and have over 30 flawless message logicalfallacy7 this is not a carry.
Hello Trials Gamers I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!! Looking for another streamer to carry people
Need one for a flawless run must have a mic and be able to carry your own, message demise zinc for an invite
Listen. Anybody out there with a heart, I need your help. Please. I've played trials of Osiris since year one, and only have gotten the same 4 gear drops. I just want the legs and chest piece. I keep getting a rocket launcher. I've gotten 5 since last week and nothing else. Can someone, anyone help me get seven wins? I'm a 331 Titan and I just want something other than a rocket launcher. My gamertag is as above. Please, I just want seven wins. I'll try my best, and I'm not asking for a carry. Just seven wins.
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
need 1 great player or will be kicked message s9 jake with kd and subclass
Need one for bounties, no mic
1650 ELO (1.6kd) & 1500 ELO (1.4kd) Looking for 1 with 1650+ and 1.6+ Message "ankle breaker x" for inv
Need a team of sweats invite dirty yeeb
Striker Titan looking to go flawless! Looking for two guys that are 1.2 kd like me or higher! Don't be a dick head! Invite TRG shadow
Need 1 for trials, must be a savage! Been flawless 42 times. Msg on Xbox for inv
.95 kd running a 1.00kd this week so far and a 1315elo I use shotty/sniper and have great callouts and I have a 100% headshot with snipers this week AGAIN Need 2 with similar or better stats GT is above I will check stats
1721 with 1.47 kd need 2 with similar stats msg rocko717
Ir0n vip3r Hunter 335 Flawless run only 1.09kd Invite ir0n vip3r