335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 2, must be a savage. No scrubs! Msg on Xbox for inv or inv me
318 Titan with 1.3 k/d message raymondstout looking for people with similar stats for flawless
Looking for 1 more for flawless run. Send message with your kd for invite , no squeks
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Top 2% In Trials My 1800 Elo Might Of Dropped From Playing W/ Noobs This Morning Have 1.5+ KD Mtrx71
need 1 super sweaty for an easy flawless... message me only if you're an absolute try hard
Need 1 for flawless send message +KD XB1
Need 1 more with 1.5+ kd message *KEANU DC* for inv
Going flawless I'm top 10% in trials Have a 1.2+ kd and a 1400+ Elo I am checking stats
Need 1 good player for flawless run. Msg ForeseenLoki5.
Trials carries http://www.twitch.tv/rockingtarts
Need 1 sweaty for a flawless run me and my buddy both have scarab emblem and are legit send Headless Monks a message for invite
Need 1 to run some chill trials with. We are both 1+ kds. Let's just enjoy the game and get where we can. No ragers. Gt: Bball4lifekn21
need 1 super sweaty for an easy flawless... message me only if you're an absolute try hard
Need 1 sweaty for a flawless run me and my buddy both have scarab emblem and are legit send Headless Monks a message for invite
Need 2 sweaties for flawless Gt^
Looking for some help. Never been flawless if you carry send me an invite. Gt s4intly21
Need 1 more with 1.5+ kd message *KEANU DC* for inv
need 1 super sweaty for an easy flawless... message me only if you're an absolute try hard
Looking for one more for a card. Message l cohen l (those are L's) for an invite.
Need 2 pros to carry me flawless never went to lighthouse but made it 7-0 last time hopefully this will be different message me gt same as above
Looking for one more for bounties Message for invite
Need one for trials hold your own going for flawless - msg GT above for once
Need one for trials msg zK Yeti for inv
My k/d is a 2.10 and I'm looking for another guardian with similar stats to help me carry, please only message me if you have a 2.00 or higher and we will be doing carries. Gamer tag is Hunted Legend59
Need 2 good players that went flawless gt ChieftheTaco